Anatomy of a WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ

This site contains the photographic record of the restoration of WurliTzer Opus 2027, a Style 150, 2 Manual 5 Rank
Theatre Organ, with notes and hints where appropriate. The restoration, and this site, are still in progress so
additions will continue to this site when possible.
This is one way to do a restoration. Any person who chooses to follow any of the information contained in this site
does so at their own risk. Do get as many second opinions as possible on all matters before you attempt any work
on any instrument.
The wordy section.
History and Aquisition of OPUS 2027
The Restoration Process
The Picture Gallery.
At Seekonk, MA
In Adelaide, SA
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Other places to find information on Theatre Pipe Organs
Theatre Organ
- has many useful links and much information.
American Theatre Organ Society
Pipe Organs and Related Topics
Any information or constructive comments welcome.
Please note that I have no knowledge, or interest in, other products
such as pianos, record players, juke boxes and electronic organs etc produced
by the Wurlitzer company before, during, or after their involvement with
Theatre Pipe Organs so there is no use in asking me questions related to
those, or any other, products.
Page created by Peter Beames, Adelaide, South Australia.
Page courtesy of Vintage Hammond Church Organs of Houston, TX