From: Larry Chace, April 2000

If you count all of the VdO and VCel ranks, then the Denver Auditorium organ was a 4/40, and it was therefore the second largest Wurlitzer ever built (ignoring the much later 'assembled' 5 manual at the Wurlitzer headquarters in DeKalb, Illinois).

The Denver VdO was 2 ranks at CC, 3 ranks at C, and 4 ranks at middle c; the Celeste was 1, 2, and 3 ranks.

The Solo String was 2 ranks, but that has always been included in the "4/35" designation given to this instrument.

The Twelfth, Piccolo, and Tierce stops were derived from the Harmonic Flute since the organ did not have a Concert Flute.

There was a 16' Quintaton, extended down from the 8' Quintadena. There was also a Quintadena Celeste.

There was a Phonon Diapason, something that I believe *no* other Wurlitzer included (at least not by that name). Other rare ranks were the 16' Oboe Horn (now in Berkeley!), the 8' Tibia Plena, and the 8' Dolce Diapason and Dolce Diapason Celeste.

This was one of the very few Wurlitzers installed in a stand-alone case rather than in chambers. It also had facade pipes (dummies).

It had a Kinura but no Vox Humana in the main organ; the Echo had a 4-rank Vox Humana chorus, drawing as 4 independent stops. (The Kinura was never actually installed in the instrument; the first organist had the installers move one of the Echo Vox ranks onto the Kinura chest and the Kinura lived for many years in a barrel until it was purchased when the organ was demolished.)

There was a 44-pipe 32' Diaphone, 40" across at CCCC (!!!), that played at 64' (resultant), 32', and 16' in the Pedal. Whether or not there was a second 32' Diaphone is unclear; the relay (still extant) apparently does not include a stop switch for one, but some folks have reported *seeing* the pipes and *hearing* the 32' Diaphonic Celeste effect when both Diaphones were played. (Is it possible that the second 32' Diaphone was controlled by a gang switch in the console, perhaps a later addition, since the matrix-style relay would be very difficult to change???) There is no question that there was also a 32' Bombarde, extended down from the Tuba Mirabilis.

This was quite an unusual instrument. Much of it remains, perhaps in altered form, including the console, relay, and several ranks of pipes.

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