From: Carlton Smith, Nov. 1997
In case you didn't know the organ from the Indiana Theater, Terre Haute was
a Wurlitzer model 235, opus number 0493. This was delivered 11/30/21and is a
3 manual, 11 rank organ with a piano addition.
The Vincinnes connection with your Wurlitzer is that the professor there who
installed another Wurlitzer in the Universtity hall ( and it is still there)
did at one point buy the Indiana's Wurlitzer and moved it to Vincinnes.The
organ was in storage in a barn on a dirt floor for many years. This caused
alot of deterioration to the organ. Back in the mid 1980's the professor
died and the organ was put up for sale. At that time CIC-ATOS sent Larry Mac
Pherson over to look at the instrument. He reported back that it was in
very bad condition and recommended the club not purchase the organ.
Now in recent years while I was searching for parts for a customer I
researched what finally happen to the Terre Haute Wurlitzer. It was sold
in the early 1990's to an organ broker in Tenn who parted the instrument out.