From: Pete Haskell, May 1999

I can add some general information, but unfortunately not too specific, to the information on opus #663, listed as being at North Yarmouth Academy. The organ was bought from them by a friend of mine, Paul True of Yarmouth, about 1980. It was non-playing at that time, had been in that state for a while, and had been vandalized - some pipes missing, wires torn out of the console. He didn't intend to restore it, just save it from further damage. It was stored in his barn for several years, where I saw it, and then in the late 1980's was sold to someome in Massachusetts. I don't know that person's name, and Paul has since died, so I can't give you any more details of its present location. The last time I saw Paul before he died, he mentioned that he'd found the builder's plate among his things and couldn't remember the buyer's name, so it's possible that the present owner dosn't have it's opus number!

NOTE:- This instrument was confused with Opus 1127 in the original documentation but evidence from Tom DeLay confirms that this really is the Opus 663 instrument - Peter Beames

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