2 manual, 6 rank church installation on 2ea. 3 rank chests....one unit and one ventil (RARE).
Concert Flute 97 note, 16 thru 2
Dulciana 73 note, 8 + 4
Open Diapason 73 note, 8 + 4
Salicional 73 note, 8 + 4
Voix Celeste 61 note, 4
Oboe Horn, 61 note, 8
Condition of the organ at time of removal....
Console missing (disposed of at time of sale of building)
Manual Chest work "Butchered" by local organ tech....left in building as junk.
Swell motors missing...replaced by church style motors.
Regulators, trems, and winker missing...replaced by O.S. style regulator.
Offsets intact and for sale.
Concert Flute sold to Richard Baer of Orlando
Dulciana damaged beyond repair.
Open Diapason missing.
Salicional, Voix Celeste, and Oboe Horn in my possession.
Blower intact and for sale (3hp, 3ph, 15in @ 500 CFM).
In closing, here is another loss of Wurlitzer history to the hands of incompetent, lazy and un knowledgeable low pressure service personnel. You would not believe some of the repairs and other work done by an alleged qualified tech.....