From: Dave Kopp, November 2010

When I set the organ up, Barry Baker and I developed a specification of 23 ranks. All of Opus 1568 was used, save the Kinura which became part of Opus 2095 expanded to 11 ranks by NYTOS.

Some of the additions to my organ I have not been able to document, but I can add the following information for those who might be interested:

The Brass Sax and Krumet both came from the Jersey City Stanley, Opus 1836. (I purchased them from Walter Froehlich who removed these two stops along with the Oboe Horn, part of the broken Brass Trumpet and the replacement English Horn (Moller) before the organ was purchased by Dick Loderhose in 1973.)

The Quintadena came from the Atlantic City Warner, Opus 2043. (It was one of two Quintadenas in the organ, one being the celeste which I assume Leroy Lewis did not want for the organ when it was reinstalled in Panama. He had sold it to Charles Fleck from whom I purchased it.)

The second Tibia and D Trumpet came from the Queensboro Elks Lodge, Opus 940, which was removed by NYTOS and parted out after the organ was vandalized by a church tenant of the building.

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