From: Carlton Smith, Oct. 1997

I have been intimate with this organ since 1976 when it was removed from the Kentucky Theater (old Lafayette Theater). First some historical information not provided in the Walton list. One historical aspect of the opus 562 is the additions made to the organ by Wurlitzer in 1926. This isdocumented in the Walton list only by the wiring scheme # 703. No details are given. So here are the details to the additions.

I have researched the addition yearly date by an article in the local Lexington newspaper. The organ recieved a 3 manual console and 3 manual relay was added to the two manual relay. In the Solo Cahmber a Solo scale Tibia replaced the standard 10" set shown in the original blue prints, a two rank chest was added in the solo with Brass 8' Trumpet and 8' Salicional, a single rank chest was added with an 8' Kinura. The Main Chamber recieved a two rank chest with 8' Quintadena and 8' Oboe Horn. Also added to the organ was a single rank Vox chest. The Vox was more than likely a special addition made at the time of installation as it shows up as such on the original blueprints. At any rate the organ became a 3/14 special in 1926.

Where Mr. Walton came up with the "NG" is at the time he was compiling the list the owner of the theater was not interested in anyone coming near it so he gave Judd that report. In fact though the Solo Chamber had been vandalized and and the Trumpet was stolen.

In 1976 the organ was purchased by Oscar Wilson (now deceased) and I installed the Wurlitzer in his home east of Lexington. At that time it was installed in it's original configuration and all missing or damaged pipe work was replaced with the correct Wurlitzer ranks. The organ resided there till the late 1980's and upon Oscar's death was donated to a not- for- profit institution and has been in storage ever since.

Presently work is under way by the KENTUCKY'S MIGHTY WURLITZER THEATER ORGAN PROJECT, INC., a local organized group of citizens, to put the Wurlitzer back into the Kentucky Theater. The theater is now owned by the city of Lexington and is very favorable to this project. The Wurlitzer group has asked for my professional help with the re-install.

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