From: Dave McNally, June 1997
Good news for a change. That instrument was purchased from the
building owner Mr. Zeits (Zeiterion... get it?), by one of our SENETOS
members, a Mr. Paul Downing for installation in his home. The building
was leaking, but the organ was intact, not wet but very 'humidified'.
Paul was a personal friend of mine, and I helped remove it.
Partially installed in his home, Paul was stricken with an inoperable
cancer, and willed the organ to SENETOS. Meanwhile, the Zeiterion
Theater was restored into a performing arts center. The theater
desperately wanted the organ back again. They raised the funds to
enable the organ to be professionally restored and RE-INSTALLED back
into its original home by Allen Miller Associates.
SENETOS retains ownership, oversees its use and maintenance, and
provides organists from our membership in most instances. -IT GETS
PLAYED!- to full houses of school children weekly. The theater has an
active program of children's stage plays, to which the local schools
transport the kids on a pre-arranged schedule. At least one, to as
many as 3 such performances per week during the school year.
The organ is used for sing-alongs while school monitors get the kids
seated and settled down. The children love singing to the organ, and
complain bitterly if anything prevents it. 1800 kids can sing so loud
that organists can't hear themselves play. We have just added a bright
Trumpet which was voiced by Trivo specifically for this instrument.
The theater management is so pleased with the 'new' sound, they are
contemplating a silent series, or something to feature the organ in a
more central role.
I don't know what 'alteration code' is appropriate to your listing:
Original theater (via incomplete home installation),
Different, but identical 2m console,
Z-Tronics relay,
Trumpet added (provided for when re-installed).