From: Mike Detroy, August 1997

Except for its relay and switchstack, Opus 827 is still complete and is owned by David Billmire of Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a Style B special and was shipped to the Rivoli Theatre, Columbus Ohio. Dave has owned it for many years and is considering restoring it, in addition to the 3 manual Robert Morton he has already restored and installed in his house. Some people have boundless amounts of energy!


From: David A. Billmire, March 1998

Opus 827 was removed and installed in a Methodist church in Columbus Ohio. Subsequently it was installed in the home of Ed Smith in Pleasant ville Ohio. He gave it to Carlos Parker in Columbus Ohio who placed in storage. I received the organ in the late 70's and have it in storage at this point. (I have a 3/15 Morton restored and playing). In summary OPUS 827 is relatively intact and living in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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