From: Cheryl Mc Donald, July 2002

I aquired Clair Elgins 1927 "d" wurlitzer after a storage sale where the pipe work that I recieved was sold seperatly from the chests and toys. Mr Maxfield had owned the organ for several years after Clair sold it to him. Mr. Maxfield had added several ranks to the organ because when I got it it had a Moller posthorn, orch oboe&Clarinet (Wurlitzer) The organ now stands at 19 ranks all on morton T chests. There are two consoles a style B from the Port Angeles #1022 owner by Russ Evans and a Marr & Colton 3 manual formerly owned by Bob Rysuch Computer switches and combination actions are Ton Coultons out of Tacoma WA. I have added a piana,marimba,chrisoglott, glockinspeil, 30 note Wuilitzer xylophone and a 37 note kimball as well as many toys and drums the ranks are as follows
Wurilzer tibia 16'8'4'2' concert flute 16'8'4'2' "D" trumpet 8'4' Harmonic tuba 16'8'4' Kinura,clarinet 8'4' vdo / cel 8'4' vox 8'4'. Kimballs ranks are violin/cello 16'8'4' melodia 8'4'2' vox 8'4' orch oboe 8' diapasion 16'8'4' horn dia 8'4'
Morton ranks are solo violin 8'4' gamba 8'4' stopped Dia.4' 2' vox 8'4'
Godfrey Kinura full lenght 8'
organ supply Post horn 8' harmonic flute 4'2'
Dennison dome cap oboe horn (french horn) 8'4'

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