From: Dorian J Collins, October 2005
Opus 2209 was sadly broken up for parts last year 2004, (nothing to do with me I might add)
so it is scattered to the four winds I,m afraid.
However I have rescued the Console which is now to be found in Worcester in the Midlands here in England.
It sure has had a very interesting life and has travelled. I have spent some ten months restoring the Console
and all original internal componants have been retained ie the Puematic piston action and setters etc so the
future is bright for this particular example.
As I type this work is well under way on connection to the relays, and all pipework, chests,
regulators, percussions etc are Wurlitzer being made up of parts from the Embassy Chicago,
New Victoria Edinburgh, George Wrights Philharmonic Organ, Embassy Pittsburgh, and many others,
in fact quite a hybrid although all started off at the same factory all those years ago.
I hope to have the organ playing by Xmas 2005. The instrument is built into a small extension in my
residence, and we could seat around twenty five at a push. My aim is for the organ to be heard by
as many people as possible.