Paramount Theatre, Oakland, California
Wurlitzer, opus
#1123, 1925, formerly in Capitol Theatre, Detriot
Rank Pedal Accomp
Great Bombarde Solo
8 English Horn **
8 8 8t 16
8 8
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 8 8t 8 16 8 8
8 Trumpet
8 8t 16 8 16
8 8
16 Tuba Horn 16
8 8
8t 16 8 8 8
16 Diaphonic Diapason 16 8
8t 16 8 8
16 Horn Diapason ** 16
8 8 4 8 4
16 Metal Diaphone ** 16
16 Tibia Clausa Solo 16
8 4 8t 16 8 5 4 3 2 T 16 8 4
3 2 8 4 3 2
8 Tibia Clausa Main
8 8 4 16 8 4
2 16 8 4 8 4
8 Orchestral Oboe 16 8 8
8 Kinura 8 8
8 Clarinet
8 8 16 8
8 Saxophone 16 8 16 8 8
16 Solo Strings IV *** 16
8 8 16 8
8 Viols IV ***
8 8 4 16 8 4 2 8
16 Oboe Horn * 16
8 8 8 8
8 Quintadena
8 8 8
16 Concert Flute II *** 16 8
8 4 3 2 8 4
8 Vox Humana Solo
8 4 16 8 4
16 8 8
8 Vox Humana Main
8 4 16 8 4
16 8 8
16 8 8t 8 8
Master Xylophone X X X
8 4 M 8t M Vt 8 4
Cathedral Chimes
Sleigh Bells
Accomp to ...
8 4
Great to ...
8 4t 16 -8 4 16 8 4
Bombarde to ...
Solo to ...
8 8 8t 8z 16 8 16t 8t 8z 16 -8 4
Tremulants: Main,
Clarinet, Tibias & Voxes, Tubas & Diapasons, Solo, Solo,
("3" =
2-2/3; "T" = 1-3/5", "t" = second touch, "z"
= pizzicato touch)
("*" =
original rank extended; "**" = new rank; "***" = old and
This organ started
out a the first example of a "Publix #1" style
Wurlitzer, with a
specification designed by Jesse Crawford.
The Oakland
Paramount's original
instrument, the last Publix #1 ever built, had been
removed for use in a
restaurant and was finally replaced by the Detroit
organ. The orignal 20 ranks were expanded to 27
when the organ was
installed in
Oakland; this work was done under the guidance of organist Jim
Roseveare, who died
a few years ago.
The Oboe Horn
(marked "*") has had a 16' octave added. The English Horn
"**" is new to this instrument.
The 16' Metal Diaphone is also new
to this instrument
and plays with the 16' Horn Diapason via the "16' Bass"
stoptab in the
Pedal. The Horn Diapason replaced the
original Dulciana,
which seemed less
useful in the 3000-seat theatre. The
4-rank Solo Strings
"***") consists of the two original 8' Solo Strings, one in each
chamber and now both extended to 16', and two 8' Solo
String Celestes,
one in each chamber
and new to this instrument. The 4-rank
8' Viols
"***") consist of the original 8' VdO and Celeste and 8' Violin and
8' Violin Celeste,
new to this instrument. The 16' Concert
Flute (marked
consists of the original 16' Concert Flute and an 8' Flue Celeste,
new to this
A series of
"ventil" stoptabs is provided to *disable* certain portions of
the compound stop:
1. Bass Off --
disables the 16' Metal Diaphone (Solo)
2. Bass String Off
-- disables the 16' Solo String (Solo)
3. Solo String Off
(Solo) -- disables the Solo Solo String (s???)
4. Solo String Off
(Main) -- disables the Main Solo String (s???)
5. Solo String
Celestes Off -- disables both Solo String celeste ranks
6. Violin Off --
disables the 8' Violin (and its celeste???)
7. Viol
d'Orchestrae Off -- disables the 8' VdO (and its celeste???)
8. Viol Celestes
Off -- disables both 8' Celestes (Vd0 and Violin)
9. Flute Celeste
Off -- disable the 8' Flute Celeste
10. Marimba Off --
disables the unenclosed Marimba
In a similar
fashion, all of the Pedal "traps" operate via a single stoptab
"TRAP". Additional tabs
control which ones play: Bass Drum,
Kettle Drum,
Cymbals, Crash Cymbals, and Jazz Cymbals.
There is also a
Pedal stoptab for
"Tibia Ensemble 8' Pizzicato".
All of these unusual
arrangements were made necessary by the fact that the
console was
originally designed to control 20 ranks, the standard for a
Publix #1 style
instrument. Since the designer wanted
to retain the
original Wurlitzer
stoptabs and pneumatic combination action, but also
wanted to add 7
ranks, it was necessary to revise the specification.
Several things were
combined onto single tabs, including several
"Ensembles" that are not apparent in the stoplist
"matrix" given above. In
addition, some 17
extra tabs were added but were not available for control
via the combination
action. These extra tabs are the
ventils and the Pedal
Trap selectors.
This organ has been
recorded by Jim Riggs. The stoplist is
from "Theatre
Organ" for
March of 1983.
Larry Chace