From: Terry Kleven, Sept. 2002

I have inspected (Opus 1859) in the Lester Park Church in Duluth , MN.

It is a 3 manual 13 rank organ with an odd assortment of ranks.

16' Tibia
8' Oboe Horn
16' (12 note) Wood Diaphone/Diaphonic Diap
16' Tuba horn.

16' Bourdon/flute
16' Dulciana
8' Dulciana Celeste
8' Quintadena (small scale)
8' Violin Diapason
8' Clarinet (small scale)
8' Salicional
8' Salicional Celeste
8' Vox (on a single rank chest).

This organ has been smoke damaged from a fire in the chancel area but, It is still used every week.

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