My notes show that the 20th Century Jo'burg organ was a rebuild of a 3-manual studio organ,
and that it had 17 ranks (16 units): Diapason, Dulciana, Tibia Clausa, Flute, Viol, Cel,
Strings(2 ranks), Vox, Orchestral Oboe, Clarinet, Sax, Krumet, French Horn, English Horn, Trumpet, Tuba.
These details come from John Potter's article "Safari to South Africa" published in "Theatre Organ Review" June, 1965.
However, John was writing about the organ after it had been removed to a residence in 1952 by Wurlitzer's
former SA agents, Cooper, Gill and Tomkins, so it may have undergone some changes that he does not mention.
Changes were made while it was still in the theatre, which included the addition of a piano
and a 2-manual locally-made slave console. There is no mention of any changes to the ranks.