In honor M. Searle Wright, Binghamton's late, world famous organist who performed on this instrument for many years.

The Binghamton Theater Organ Society announces the


of the


at the FORUM THEATER in the

Broome County Performing Arts Center

236 Washington Street, (downtown) Binghamton, NY

Saturday August 20, 2005 at 8 PM.


Featuring Guest Organist DAVID PECKHAM, the rising star of the Theater Organ Superstars who's flying fingers brings sounds of spectacular proportions to his audiences. Dave shows his amazing talent around the nation regularly and will also accompany the Buster Keaton Silent film "Cops" in his impeccable style.

Visit any Partner's Trust Broome County office for tickets which are $15. Binghamton Theater Organ society members ($20 per year membership) can purchase tickets for $10 by calling President Paul Stapel at 773-1495 or Membership Chairperson Michael Roseboom at 797-7947. Tickets purchased before August 16th are eligible for the reserved seating section in the front of the main floor as well as the front three rows of the balcony.

The Morton Theater Organ was donated to the Broome County Forum by the Binghamton Savings Bank (now Partner's Trust) in 1974. The instrument was found in a barn in Michigan after an illustrious career, imported to Binghamton and totally renewed over a two year period by a volunteer crew headed by George Melnyk. The crew included his family, bank employees and many organ friends, some of whom belong to the BTOS today!

The performance is being underwritten by Fred R. Xlander, attorney at law and the Partner's Trust Savings Bank, President, and the Broome County Parks Department which runs the FORUM and takes care of the instrument on behalf of the people of Broome County.

Tickets may be ordered at: Ticket Order Form


David Peckham at the Clemens Center Organ


President Pipings

by Paul Stapel, Chapter President

WHAT a rip-roaring success our Grand Reopening show was at the Morton Organ at the Forum. DAVE PECKHAM did a fantastic job of satisfying our need for more great music in Broome. Thank you Dave and all the 2 dozen hard working and dedicated members (and their helpers!) who made the evening happen so well.

Dave's interpretations of grand music of someone's yesteryear as well as his treatment of newer tunes from "The Producers" turned everybody on! I got a real kick out of the all ages audience making the proper loud noises at the inspired moments of Buster Keaton's antics (YAY, BOO, GET'IM, SIGH!!!). As promised, Dave's flying fingers flew even more for this show> He was just Great.

And so were you, the audience and supporters. You showed the Theater Organ's special kind of music and players is significant to our lives and we intend to help you keep it that way. At our meeting in September we voted to continue to present concerts. Next season (2005-2006) we will have four different shows featuring the organ, one of those with the Binghamton Philharmonic on its May 20, 2006 8:00 pm Pops series, featuring DENNIS JAMES, two Pre-Pops shows and TWO organ-only shows on Jan. 15 and in summer of 2006. We will bring in the very best professional artists and generally a silent film on the two organ-only shows!! What FUN!!!

Hopefully you will read this in time to rush out and support the American Cancer Society's CONCEPT*CREATE*CURE fundraiser fashion show which is featuring the organ on equal billing with the models and the haute couture' planned for the unsuspecting audiences. Richard Van Auken, our own Master of the Keys member will keep your ears filled while your eyes take in the models!! Friday or Saturday, October 7 and 8, 2005 at the FORUM. Contact the American Cancer Society for tickets.

Our membership is growing nicely and steadily. We are getting closer to needing some individuals to help at Roberson Center as we re-wire and re-tube the LINK at ROBERSON organ console so it works as good as possible. Since fine artists like Dave Peckham can only give a great show Our goal is to have both organs on equally good operating levels for the nearest future - we would like to have a four concert, organ-only concert series in 2006-2007. ARE YOU READY?

Look for Open Console times offered elsewhere on this web page. Play or listen to your fellow members use their talents to the max!!

Stay in touch! Send us your e-mail address at to get the latest information fast.

Paul Stapel, cook and bottle-washer!

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