Phone: (800) 677-7374 (Jack Butler, sales; Chris, technical)
Velocity and Poly Aftertouch, 64 Presets, 4 Keyboard Zones/Layers, MIDI Program Changes, Transposition, Velocity Curve Choices, 16 MIDI Channels.
Kit uses optical sensors. They have two MIDI controllers models; the top model provides not only velocity but poly aftertouch. Organ pedals are bit harder to install since the sensors have to be mounted individually rather than on strips that are used on the keyboards. David Schutt,, put the Gulbransen kit on his organ console and reports good success with it.
Kits for DC keys, pipe or audio Keyed organs. Provides MIDI on/off data. A Hammond tonewheel kit also provides MIDI velocity data; a version that works with other organs is reported in the works.
Phone: 44 1702 554000
Fax: 44 1702 553935
Low-Cost kit provides MIDI velocity data if you have two sets of contacts in an on-off-on arrangement. One kit can handle up to 128 keys. You have to add external diodes and address decoders. The kit can only output on one of two MIDI channels.
In case you want to control something, like pipes, with MIDI, here's a list of about a dozen companies that make MIDI to TTL interfaces. This page includes contacts, description of interfaces, and prices.
---| operates KEZL-FM Culbertson, NE A Non Profit Full Powered Radio Station