Compton Organ Upgrade

Photo Gallery of The Compton Organ Upgrade that consisted of
replacing the switching system to that of the Artisan computer assisted switching system.
This became necessary because of the aging mechanical system of nearly eighty years ago

Compton Console
stripped console
The console before the upgrade
keyboards and stop rail before stripping
The bare bones - completely stripped for refurbishing
rank diivers
The new stop rails
showing the driver board for the stops
Rank driver boards in the main chamber
rank diivers
console wiring
removing the vibraphone for refurbishing
re-assembling the vibraphone after repair
rear view of the console during re-wiring
rank diivers
mew rail
part of the main chamber
The traps set
a the new hi-tec straight rail showing the new stop tabs
and the stop driver boards
rank diivers
console wiring
part of the old switch stacks
another part of the switch stacks
more of the old switch stacks

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