Theatre Organ Society of Australia (ACT) Inc.

Presents David Gray (UK)


Wednesday 31st August, 2016 David Gray(UK)
at the historic and heritage sponsored1933 Compton Theatre Pipe Organ
along with Piano
Albert Hall, Canberra 7:30 pm – 9:30pm


Adults $30, Students $10, Family $75

Tickets available at the door


On-line Bookings at: Click to book!

Alternatively, Money Order made payable to TOSA (ACT) Inc.
Mail to: TOSA (ACT) Inc., PO Box475 Jamison CentreACT 2614

David Gray Biography

Born in 1990, David Gray from Scotland is viewed as the best young UK theatre organ talent to emerge in the past decade. He has just completed his Master of music degree studies at the London Royal Academy of Music. During his time at the Royal Academy, he won many of the school’s biggest prizes, including featuring on an official Academy CD with other top musicians in a performance of music by Frank Zappa.
At around 13 he had his first encounter with theatre organ on a Compton organ in Glasgow similar to that installed in the Albert Hall, Canberra and was hooked - “It is just too much fun and enjoyment to ever let go of”!
He has made many theatre organ appearances throughout the UK, USA, Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia and has been the recipient of Theatre Organ Awards in the UK and in USA as a young organist from 2005 onwards. His 2009 and 2013 Australian tours were a musical sensation. In 2015 he received the 2015 Organist of the Year Award from the American Theatre Organ Society. By popular demand, he will be touring Australia again during 2016.
David Gray performs on the 1932 Compton theatre pipe organ at Albert Hall, Canberra, ACT, on Wednesday 31st August, 7:30pm to share his acclaimed skills and music abilities. Gray has earned recognition for his talents, technique and a quiet unassuming personality that will win many supporters.
Created during the silent movie era, the theatre pipe organ contains an array of sounds that can give the effect of a full orchestra. Program will range from Highland revelry to piano classics and music from the shows, film and the jazz era.
TOSA Contact for any Enquiries / Assistance:
Pam Quick
Phone: 02 6286 5774

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