All We Like Sheep
F. Handel 1685-1759)
And The Glory Of The Lord
F. Handel 1685-1759)
And With His Stripes
We Are Healed
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Behold The Lamb Of God
(G. F.
Handel 1685-1759)
Glory To God
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Hallelujah Chorus
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
His Yoke Is Easy
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Lift Up Your Heads
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
O Thou That Tellest
Good Tidings To Zion (1) (G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
O Thou That Tellest
Good Tidings To Zion (2) (G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Pastoral Symphony
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Surely He Hath Borne
Our Griefs
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)
Worthy Is The Lamb
(G. F. Handel 1685-1759)