The Amazing Pipe Organ  
A Book Written by Barbara Brodbeck  

Mrs. Brodbeck's young child, Joshua, wanted to learn more about the pipe organ, so she went to the library to find such a book for children. When she couldn't find any, she wrote one.

The story line follow little Joshua as he eagerly waits until his legs are long enough to reach the pedal board. When this happens, he can start his organ lessons. The book, subtitled, "The First Lesson," follows Joshua as he meets his organ teacher, Mr. Hanes, and is taken on a tour of the organ.

This book is colorfully illustrated by Andrew Dittmar, a student at the Columbus College of Art and Design. Mr. Dittmar cleverly features Tutti, a church mouse, who can be found in nearly every picture in the book.

Buy It!

This would be a fine gift for any child who expresses an interest in keyboard music. It would also be a lovely gift for your church or public library. This book sells for $18.00 post paid, and can be ordered from: 



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