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the organs of britain

John Norman
David & Charles, 1984
Out of print

John Norman takes a very British look at the pipe organs of his native country, and accompanies them with many of his beautiful and distinctive sketches. This book begins with a consideration of what pipe organs Britain has and why. He discusses their positioning, appearance and construction with an authority born of great experience in the field.

The book contains an overview of many English organ-builders, including a fascinating "family tree" showing who trained with whom. Also useful, although straying a little from the core subject, is a dictionary of technical terms. The volume is completed with an eclectic personal selection of organs from all over Britain, described with specifications and sketches. The bias towards organs he has had direct experience working with is forgiveable, and means that he is often able to give a unique insight into their design.

All content on pipe-organs.net is © Alastair Disley unless otherwise specified, and may not be reproduced in any form without prior permission.

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