- Hammond-Suzuki XB series:
- XB-2, XB-3, XC-3, XB-5
- (described elsewhere in FAQ)
- Viscount (or Fujiha) D9
- single manual drawbar organ
Out Of Production
- Crumar Organizer
- Single manual drawbar organ, percussion (c.
- Crumar T1
- Single manual (61 note), 1 split, 9 drawbars,
percussion, vibrato and tremelo, 4 presets.
- Crumar T2
- Double manuals, two sets of 9 drawbars, one for
each manual and one set of 2 drawbars for playing
the "lower tone" from the lower manual.
- Elka X-50
- Single manual 9 drawbar organ, 6 non-editable
presets, four percussions (2nd, 3rd, 4th, plus
octave below 3rd [5 1/3']); Leslie simulator
(single rotor); percussion volume, percussion
decay, keyclick and overdrive sliders; built in
light-duty road case, no MIDI.
- Korg CX-3
- Single manual 9 drawbar organ, adjustable key
click, adjustable 2nd/3rd percussion, Leslie
simulation, 3 drawbar presets, no MIDI
- Korg BX-3
- Double manual drawbar organ, 9 drawbars per
manual, 3 static presets, adjustable key click,
v1-3/C1-3, adjustable 2nd/3rd percussion, leslie
- Rhodes (Roland) VK-1000
- Single manual drawbar organ, fully programmable,
key click, vibrato/chorus, percussion, Leslie
- Roland VK-09
- Five octave single manual drawbar organ,
selectable sine/square wave, envelope shaping,
key click, vibrato/chorus, percussion, leslie
- WLM Organs
- Made in Finland in late 70's and early 80's,
there were 3 models: TRIP, BEAT, & HIT. The
organs used solid state analog tone generation
with 12 sub-divided oscillators. They were sold
primarily in the european market. There is an
excellent Web page with more detailed information
and images at:
- TRIP - Combo organ with two 5 octave double
- HIT - Two 49-note manuals and a 13-note
pedalboard. 9 drawbars and 7 percussion drawbars
for the upper manual, 6 drawbars for the lower
manual, 4 drawbars for the pedals. Variable
percussion attack and sustain. Pedal attack and
sustain. Vibrato. Spring-line reverb. 7 presets.
Lightweight (60kg, 132lbs) it folded into a
plywood, aluminum edged, road case which also
served as a stand, a very elegant design from the
pictures of it on the Web page.
- BEAT - A home model similar to the HIT that was
available in 4 & 5 octave double manual
versions, 13 note pedal board, and added a simple
rhythm machine and a built-in amplifier and
rotating speaker system.
- Yamaha SK-15
- Four octave single manual synth w/ 5
drawbars/sliders, 3 organ presets, percussion,
key click, chorus/vibrato, string section, synth
section, keyboard splits, Leslie simulation, no
- Yamaha SK-20
- Same features as the of SK-15 except with 5
octave manual, 7 drawbars/sliders, 11-pin Leslie

- Oberheim OB-3
- re-labeling of the Viscount D-9e (see below)
- Oberheim OB-3 Squared
- New model manufactured by Oberheim. Very similar
to the OB-3 in form and function but with three
MIDI channels (enables use of two keyboards and a
set of MIDI foot pedals foot pedals),
controllable percussion, and reportedly improved
- Peavey Spectrum
- single rack space module, 32 voices, 4 part
multi-timbral, reverb, Leslie simulation,
vibrato/chorus overdrive, speaker simulation, 128
ROM presets, 4 waves respond to MIDI drawbars,
MIDI program changes, 16 bit wavetable sample
synthesis. No percussion control.
- Viscount (or Fujiha) D-9e
- Table top (keyboard top) realtime drawbar module
version of the D9 keyboard, MIDI control, 1 MIDI
channel, percussion, key click, adjustable
overdrive, vibrato and Leslie simulation, 5
registration presets.
- Voce Micro-B II
- Half space rack module, 36 drawbar presets,
adjustable key click, v1-3/C1-3, adjustable
2nd/3rd percussion, adjustable overdrive, Leslie
simulation, complete MIDI control
- Voce V3
- Single rack space module, realtime MIDI control
of drawbar settings, drawbars detuned to equally
tempered scale (like the B3), programmable key
click, v1-3/C1-3, programmable 2nd/3rd
percussion, programmable overdrive, Leslie
simulation, effects loop, EQ, patch storage,
complete MIDI control
Out Of Production
- Voce Micro-B (out of production)
- Half space rack module, 36 drawbar presets,
adjustable key click, v1-3/C1-3, adjustable
2nd/3rd percussion, adjustable overdrive, Leslie
simulation, limited MIDI control
- Voce DMI-64 Mark II (out of production)
- Single space rack module, programmable

Electronic Leslie Simulators
- Dynacord DLS 223
- Single rack space digital effect with reverb and
distortion, dual rotors, MIDI control.
- Dynacord DLS 300
- Software upgraded version of the DLS 223 for
"improved rotor structures".
- Electro-Voice FX-70
- repackaging of the Dynacord DLS 300
- Korg G4
- Oversized stomp box, dual rotors, knobs for
volume, distortion, speed, acceleration, mic
distance and spread, for foot switches for
distortion, speed, stop, and bypass.
- Rolls Rotorhorn
- Single rack space, limited MIDI control
- Voce SPIN
- Half rack space analog effect, MIDI control, dual
rotor, many pre-sets, knobs for volume, balance,
overdrive, MIDI channel, and preset select.
- Rotovibe & Uni-vibe - by Jim Dunlop
- Single-rotor Leslie simulator; foot pedal (volume
type) speed control (no fast/slow switch); depth
control. For more information see:
- http://www.jimdunlop.com/wahs.htm
Out Of Production
- Avalanche Effects Brianizer
- Stomp box, dual rotor, adjustable speed and
accel/decel rates, leslie/on/off, studio/stage
- Digitech RPM-1
- Single rack space analog/digital hybrid effect,
12AX7 tube pre-amp w/ overdrive, no MIDI, dual
rotor, knobs for overdrive, speed, balance, mic
- A
review of the RPM-1 is contained in the
Hammond/Leslie FAQ at:
- http://ddi.digital.n
- Dynacord CLS 222
- Single rack space analog effect, dual rotors out
of production 1993
- Multivox LD-2 (a.k.a. Little David)
- One of the first Leslie simulators, packaged as a
10" high replica of a 122, non-mechanical,
made briefly in the 1970's.

Mechanical Leslie Simulators/Clones
- Motion Sound PRO-3
- The PRO-3 uses a rotating treble horn and a
titanium driver in tandem with a stereo/mono bass
rotor simulation signal output through 1/4"
front panel jacks. You feed an organ signal to
PRO-3's 1/4" mono input, and patch the PRO-3
low frequency output signal to a keyboard
amplifier. The PRO-3's rotating horn
characteristics are modeled on the Leslie 147.
PRO-3 dimensions are 6.5" x 20" x
16.5" and it weighs 26 Lbs. The front panel
is vertically centered on the left third of the
unit front. Two rails run along the bottom from
front to back and are designed to straddle the
handle of a keyboard amp. The horn compartment is
vented so that about 60% of the sound comes
through the front and 40% through the rear and
sides, simulating a 147 horn with the back off
and turned around. The horn amplifier is 30 watts
RMS with .3% distortion, and is very loud. For
more information see:
- http://www.goffprof.com/catalog/motionsound/pro3t.html
A review of the PRO-3 is contained in the
Hammond/Leslie FAQ at:
- http://ddi.digital.n
- Motion Sound R3-147
- The R3-147 Rack Mount System is effectively a
fully sealed and acoustically isolated unit
containing a PRO-3 with internal microphones and
a 12AX7 tube pre-amp. The extensive front panel
gives the user control over treble rotor speed
and accel/decel rates, bass rotor simulator speed
and accel/decel rates, control of AM and FM
components and open/closed bass cabinet
simulations in the bass rotor simulator. Left and
right microphone controls allow for close/distant
mic'ing variations and treble/bass rotor balance
controls tailor the mix of high and low frequency
sound. Rotor fast/slow/stop can be controlled
either via MIDI or through a provided footswitch.
Out Of Production
- Dynacord DC200
- The DC200 is a combo amp with treble and bass
rotors packaged in separate enclosures. The
treble enclosure is 63cm(25")W x
53cm(21")D x 35cm(14")H. The lower
enclosure has the same width and depth and is
79cm(31")h. Stacked height is
114cm(45"). The upper enclosure contains the
familiar pair of rotating horns (one is a counter
balance only) and is open on all four sides. The
lower enclosure contains a 15" speaker
firing downward into a rotating drum and open in
the front only. The unit is trademarked as the
"Spacesound System".
The DC200 uses
a 200 watt amplifier with separate volume
controls for the treble and bass rotors and a
common set of bass and treble knobs.
Dynacord is a German company but most of the
components are manufactured in Italy. It is not
know if the DC200 was offered to the North
American market.
- Echolette ME II
- This unit appears to be a close relative to or
copy of the Dynacord DC200.
- Solton
- Two-box vinyl cabinet; upper a horn system like
the PRO-3; lower a drum system, including a small
forward-facing horn. Amp included a small mixer,
and it looked like the rig could be used for
additional instruments independently of the
whirly sound. A European manufactured unit, it's
not know if it was ever sold in the US.
- MS-Audiotron
- Apparently this was a speaker-only unit, about 2'
tall with treble rotor and a statically mounted
bass speaker. A Eurpopean manufactured unit, it's
not know if it was ever sold in the US.