(2nd October 2015)
It was interesting point finding the views of Mormond Hill as I emmebered them from working on the trains. Mormond station was always very basic, which means
that it is very much as it was, in regard to the platform and station buildings. Lonmay was the biggest disappoinment as, while the two platforms are still there,
they are well hidden in the Summer undergrowth and nothing remains of the station or goods yard buildings. However, you can make out where the points
turned into the yard as the ground is still open behind the present day buildings. Of interest is a large stone-built barn with a long oval roof with corrugated
iron roof that I suspect may be older than the railway itself. I don't remember seeing this building before, it probably just blended in with the station scene.
Just north of the over bridge at Mormond Halt.
Left: Back towards Mormond. Right: Northards, approaching an Ex farm crossing.
Ex farm crossing. Nrth side and east side, respectfully.
Onwards towards Lonmay.
Left: The south face of the over bridge and F&BW information notce on side of the over bridge.
The over bridge near Whiteside farm and to the south of Satyrhills over bridge.
Northwards with the curve at the end of the cutting prior to running up
to the over bridge at Satyrhills.
Left: Ganger's Hut. Between Mormond Stn site and Lonmay. Right: A path to the track bed from a private dwelling above.
Left: View southwards. Right: View northwards.
View southwards. Right: The south face of the over bridge at Satyrhills.
The cutting leading up to the over bridge where it is very muddy.
The overbridge at Satyrhill.
Left: South parapit of the bridge. Right: Southwards towards Mormond station site.
Left: Looking northwards towards Lonmay station site. Right: Southwards and the muddy track bed due tot he shadow of the trees.
The over bridge at Satyrhills
Left: From the over bridge, northwards towards Lonmay. Right: Sign for Satyrhill farm.
Left: The road northwards. Right: Looking north through the over bridge.
Bridge over a burn.
A bench donated by the Fraserburgh Rotary Club. Northwards.
View southwards with Mormondhill in the back ground.
A farm access crossing.
This Ganger's hut is just south of Lonmay station site. Left: Towards Lonmay.
Right: Southwards towards Mormond Halt.
Farm crossing from the 'C' road and Smithyhillock farm.
Back towards Mormond Station.
Left: On the west side of the track bed. Right: Towards Lonmay.
Left: back towards Mormond Station. Right: Northwards towards Lonmay.
South wards.
Views over the west side of the track bed, northwards.
From the track bed. Houses on the 'C' road leading up to the A952.
Left: North side of the road, towards Lonmay. Right: The Ex over bridge on the A952, south of Lonmay station. 5.5 mles to Fraserburgh.
Reverse view over the A952 towards Mormond Halt. The height change is due to the removal of the over bridge.
The climb back up the track bed due to the removed over bridge.
Towards Lonmay.
Left: Ditto. Right: Towards Lonmay Station site.
Southwards towards Mormond Station.
Left: Farmland to the west of the track bed. Right: The track bed back on the level towards Lonmay.
Left: Interesting old barn that still stands by Lonmay station site. Right: Same spot, back towards Mormond.
Cropped image of the old barn. It must have a bit of history to it as it has certainly been well built
and quite old!
From Google Earth you can see how close the barn was to the station.
Just short of Lonmay station site. I decided to take advantage of the seat to have a 10-15mns rest and some welcome refreshments. A very pleasant spot to just sit and enjoy
the scenery on such a fine day. Thanks to the Fraserburgh Rotary Club who made this and a number of such benches available over this section of the old railway.
View south wards and towards Lonmay station site, respectfully.
I thought that this was the station site at first but it is only extensions to
the houses coming up to the track bed perameter.
Approaching the station site.LONMAY STATION
Sadly, there is little to see at this spot. There are no station buildings and the platforms are well hidden in the overgrowth. However, you can make out
where the track ran into the Goods Siding at the north end of the station. There were two tracks through the station with a Footbridge between the two.
Lonmay Station layout. SNL Maps). N.B. The old barn is shown. It is also interesting that the head shunt for the goods yard extended
northwards over the road bridge mking a double track over the bridge.
It could be easy enough to pass this site without knowing a station had ever been there, until you notice a bit of Down platform edge peeking out
of the overgrowth.
So little to see of the station's remains. Early Spring would probably see a lot more.
Photos on sale at Ebay. Left: Station buildings, footbridge with train approaching southwards.
Right: Looking southwards with the old barn on the west side.
Looking north where the Up facing points ran into the Goods Yard,
on the right.
Looking southwards. The Goods Yard branched off to the left. Right: Modern building upon the sidings site.
Shunting Lonmay sidings in 1945. The signalman appears to be setting up the auto token catching
machine ready for the train's departure. They have probably left the train on the Up Main and
shunted wagons too and from the sidings and any southward going wagon(s) back onto the train.================================================================
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