MALLAIG VISIT 14th April 2008

By Bill Reid

One of the disappointments of modern Multiple Units is that you can't take worthwhile pictures on the run as you
used to be able to with the older trains. The double-glazed windows create reflections at every angle and the colour
tint spoils the natural colours. It's a glorious 4.5 hour trip from Glasgow to Mallaig and the only outside photo I
managed was at Crianlarich while waiting for the train to split into two and the front section to go westward to
Oban and the rear section northward to Mallaig over Rannach Moor.

Crianlarich is from the Gaidghlig for 'Frontier' and the area is aptly named as the road, railway and river gets
shoehorned between the mountains. The only way north, east and west is with long climbs over the mountain ranges
and southwards down the narrow steep glen to the Clyde at Helensburough.

Sprinter Unit 156496 resting up after it's long haul from Glasgow, waiting the 16.30 return run. The harbour line
ran off from the left. The unit leaves Glasgow at 08.30 and returns back around 21.45 with just two and a half hours
rest at Mallaig

The station is a shadow of it's former self when it had numerous sidings and a depot. There was also a short
branch to the harbour. The modern building on the right is the Mallaig Hertitage Centre.

The Old Goods Platform with the Ex Railway houses on the left

The rather empty scene looking south, where the signal box
once stood. The whole line is now run on Radio Signalling
controlled from Banavie and there are no line side signals.



It's always a surprise to find three-storied tenements so far from a main city.

A Fraserburgh boat in Harbour

I'm not sure of the code C.Y. Could it be Colonsay or Castlebay.

Local artist's tribute to Mallaig's fishing folk

Western Isles. A group of Collage's aged youths met the boat and are possibly visiting one of the small
'Cocktail isles', Rhum, Egg, Muck or Canna

An Oban boat receives some repairs

A busy harbour scene with the snow capped Black Cuillins in the background (left) and the summit of Ben Dearg,
the Red Cuillins at Sligachan on the right

A modern answer to painting the mast.

The ferry 'Coruisk' waiting to depart for Ardvassar on the Isle Of Skye.

'Coruisk' crossing the Sound of Sleat to Skye.

The magical 'Black' Cuillins of Skye. The central jagged peak is Sgur Alasdair.

Spanish John 11


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