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A publicity officer was appointed during the year and had produced some good ideas for: increasing the membership. These are being persued by the Committee, and posters and handbills would. shortly be sent out to Area Leaders for distribution. Unfortunately the Publicity Officer had resigned due to Further Education studies and a new Officer was being sought. 

The newsletter continued to be published promptly and the Secretary thanked the Editor for his efforts in Editing, producing and distributing it. Before Cohn Powell gave the Treasurer’s report he expressed deep regret that a prominent member of Area 9. Philip Edwards had tragically died in a road accident. 

The financial report is given fully on page 7. But in addition it was agreed that during 1986 an auditor would be appointed. The adoption of the financial report was proposed by George Sparkes and seconded by Bill Wilson. It was carried unanimously. 

The officers of the Club were re-elected and it was agreed at future A.G.M’s all Committee members should be subject to re-election at future A. G. M’s. Proposed by Tony Chuter, seconded by Jim Garratt. Carried unanimously. 

The proposed Club Constitution was adopted with amendments to Rule 4 and 10 These were approved by the meeting and are proposed by George Sparkes and seconded by Eric Weatherill, The vote to approve the constitution was unanimous. The proposed Competition rules caused a lot of lively discussion, much of which was directed at the Chairman and concerned with the internal competitions run by Area 15. The main bone of contention was an amendment put forward by a number of Area 15 members, which wished to allow the acceptance of Trade Processed slides in Club competitions. It was felt that as the whole basis of the C. R. C. is to encourage Home Processing there was little to be gained from allowing Trade Slides in any competition we may hold. The members present were heavily against allowing any such slides, and the move to amend the rules was defeated by 27 votes to 3. It was agreed that if members wished to make their own rules for local competitions they were at liberty to do so, Eric Weatherill proposed the adoption of the Club Rules for Competition and Pete Roberts was seconder. 

Cohn Powell stated in any other business that in order to make it easier to keep the books, he would like the meeting to approve that the Editor should have an account of £100 and the Secretary one of £50. Both to submit an annual account to the Treasurer. The accounts were for stationary, materials, postage etc. used for Club duties. Tony Chuter proposed that the meeting accept the Treasurer’s request and Brian Savage seconded the proposal There being no other business the meeting closed at 1045. 

Ron Croad.

And so after a short break for well deserved refreshments the day’s programme of Slides got under way Area 18 member, Roy Vivian began with his A/V show. It’s not the first time Roy has attended the Didcot meetings, but the first time he has put on his work, and what a great start. His A/V consisted of some 300 slides of a visit to Russia and it was interesting to see places outside the usual ‘Red Square-Kremlin’ area. There were views of Mountain, Lake & Sea, Traditional dancing and many unusual buildings from around the countryside, with, of. course traditional music accompaniment. Our thanks to Roy and his wife for putting on a very enjoyable half hour of slides. 

Next George Sparkes presented a few slides from his latest ‘Computer’ made Title slides. Again, these proved that George is mastering the technique of programming quite complicated images for his slides One set of scenery can be made at random with the computer deciding the placing of the trees, mountains or sea in the scene, each time. The use of numerous colours in the one TV image seems to have been very well done and shows the complicated and time consuming effort by George on his computer and of course the processing was excellent as well. Along with these were some lovely scenes taken during his holiday to Crete. 

It was a pleasure to welcome next, Pete Roberts who is on holiday from Canada. I’m sure most of you will remember Pete from the days when he virtually filled the pages of the Newsletter with his technical wizardry and excellent information during the period of change to the E4 & E6 films and chemicals. It was nice that his visit could co-inside with attending our meeting. He seem to be getting well into the way of

Open meeting 1987 Report (3) Editorial CRCMain

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