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Admitted those16 sent in an impressive 267 slides and Roy tells me he and his fellow judges had quite at ask sorting out the winners. They were, apparently ... extremely impressed with the very high standard of both the processing and content of the work submitted. 

He feels, and I must say I. agree with him, that C.R.C members work is worthy of a much wider audience. Perhaps a programme selected from some of the entries, augmented perhaps with other members’ slides could be circulated to camera clubs, societies and federations. Together with suitable C.R.C. advertising material and membership forms. It’s an idea well worth investigating. 

Returning to Roy’s competition I feel perhaps the rather disappointing response c could well hinge on the short notice given - due in the main, undoubtly, to the three month gap between Newsletters. Maybe Roy might consider a re-run for, say, next Autumn giving members far more time to prepare their entries. 

Certainly this one was an undoubted success for the few who did enter for I understand that all the entrants received several prizes. In fact several entrants actually won a prize for each of the slides sent in. 

For myself I received a monster parcel of ‘goodies’ most unexpectedly, I might, add, as I honestly only submitted slides for the sole purpose of supporting Roy’s effort to increase interest and membership. It was disappointing though, when I saw that Mr. F.L Pratley had won the Architectural category in which I, apparently, was a challenger. Mr. Pratley’s prize was a twin-head flash-gun. And the information reached me on the very day that my own Stabilize unit decided to call it a day. Unfeeling I calls it. 

Incidentally, you remember Roy offering a three-bath E-6 kit for reversal film at a cut price? He tells me that this easy to use method is considerably less popular with his customers than his conventional seven-bath version. 

There’s nowt so .strange as folk, it seems. 


It’s all very well to have airships floating around the countryside and to have special demonstrations with Japanese girl models on hand - but if you cant buy the darned stuff what on earth is the point? I’m referring, of course, to the death of the much vaunted ‘Fuji Reversal Film. I’ve been trying. ‘these past weeks (I’m writing this in November -well the editor likes my stuff early so he can do his Christmas shopping - but all to no avail. There’s none to be had in Cleethorpes - except the process-paid variety) None in Grimsby, none in Manchester and none in . well there just don’t seem to be any. Seems that even the Barfen people have given it up. But that may well be an entirely different story. Well may’nt it? 

Anyway I’ve heard of masses of people who’ve seen the Fuji airship and a friend actually attended the joint Sigma/AP show in Manchester. There WAS Fuji Film there. Actually being given away, too. Yet us blokes who are prepared to actually BUY the stuff are denied the privalage Crazy, crazy world! 

The Manchester show I’m told was a bit like the curate’s egg. ’Good in parts. I understand that the Japanese girl model was so badly lit as to make it difficult, if not impossible, unless using flash. And, of course, as on most of these occasions, the number of photographers made it almost a dog fight to get any sort of reasonable angle There were Bowen’s flash units available - but for only two operators at’ any one time. 

On The credit side there was a whole range of lenses for visitors to try out and the A. P. columnist, Ron Sillman, was on hand to offer advice and to answer questions. 

New member, Neil Numby, came to see me recently with a B&W film to process and print. I was particularly intrigued with the Automatic focussing………………….

Here & There (3) Editorial CRCMain

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