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who’s been a naughty boy, then Why no less than your Editor himself. No never!, NOT HIM? Not Bi~ll Reid? But yes. I fear so. He’s the guilty one.  So listen ye of little faith... and. I’ll tell all. 

In the January issue it is reported that “Bill Reid had successfully recruited Lee Cook of Denton as Hon. Publicity Officer.

Oh Dears! Oh Dear! it greaves me to have to refute Bill’s claim. But I must. Well you have to be honest about these things, dont. you? You see the credit goes to member of Area 11, Roy Johnson, a colleague of Les in a Manchester office, Roy it was who persuaded Lea to join and later suggested he might take by Publicity. M sole involvement in all this was to give a gentle ‘prod’ in Les’s direction via Roy and promise to give any help I can to Lea. 

I regret. having to deflate Bill but tome fair’s, fair. It’s only fair that members should be given a more positive picture rather than a reversal transparency. If you see what I mean~!

Well now your “innocent”Editor cant let that go lightly. It would appear that in the last Newsletter page 11, fourth paragraph, it has been written “Hehas had successfully recruited Les Cook” This was copied from Brian’s report and was copied onto the stencil by me without noticing the connection. I hope Ron. or any CRC member doesn't think that I would try that sort of thing. I had in fact at the same time sent an “Area Leader’s Additional” which was enclosed with your Copies to the Area Leaders stating that Ron was responsible for finding Lea. But it seems this too was wrong, so apologies to Roy and our thanks to him and Lea for their help. 

Also. To answer Ron’s comments about Rayco and the dealer leaflets. .George did get onto me at the time and I had considered sending. the final supply that’s. left. But these were of poor quality and would have been detrimental to the Club and not much heap in gaining publicity or new membership. The advertising campagne I set up then wasn't very successful as dealers were set into the recession and didn't want to. know or said that they didn't have the staff to deal with them any more. Any new material our Lea comes up with will of course consider all sources for publicity.

O.K RON! You have had a fair knock at the Central Committee this time. The next time I write I shall send you an even bigger HAMMER to play with.   

Konicachrome 100 Editorial CRCMain

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