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Of recent months 1 have been, using the tape recorder more and more as a means of corresponding with Area 18 member, Tony Chuter of Southampton. Great fun it’s been too and Tony suggests ‘that this means of identifying with other Club members is extended. He feels that small groups of three to four circulate a round—robin, via tape as a sensible way of putting across. ideas, methods and general “chit-chat”. It has certainly worked well between us, I do assure you - though I was somewhat apprehensive to begin with. Like most people who hear their own voice on tape, I was convinced that my grating tones, allied to the even worse west Midlands’ accent, would be, to put it at it’s mildest, unacceptable.

But Tony hasnt complaind. But then he wouldn’t, would he? But from my end, the arrangement is a great success and we have, discussed the why’s and wherefore’s of pH meters (amongst other photographic topics) in a much more understandable way than would ever hope to be put over by post. And, obviously, at muc h greater length. And at the same cost. A tape will pass the ‘Post-Master General‘s scrutiny at letter rate- 12p. Just. 

Incidentally, mention of pH meters, reminds me that Tony is prepared to make a pH meter for anyone interested and I can assure members that the finished product is a first-class job in every way and looks even more professional than the commercial article. And works. Really work! Oh! at the moment of writing this, Tony is. NOT in a position to supply the probe. 

But pH meter or not, I think the idea of a communication by tape between two or three or so members is a good one and conducive to maintaining and even increasing the interest and scope of the C.R.C. Other topics, photography apart, we have discussed include - particularly - the British dance band era of Hall, Ambrose, Fox etc. (shows we are a bit long in the tooth), war-time experiences - oh and a host of other interests. We clash only on soccer (my love) and rifle-shooting (Tony’s passion). 

It’s always a pleasure to get a letter from Bob Lewis of Area 9 and the latest one has some moans regarding the difficulty of economising on kits. Either one has to ‘save up’ a number of films in order to use a kit to it’s full potential or possibly waste a goodly part of it to satisfy one a impatience to see the results right away.

Bob had the bright idea of dividing up the 300ml kit of concentrates into three parts. There was a snag. Some of’ the concentrates had crystalised during the cold weather. Obviously the kit had been in stock, well quite a while.  So says Bob, why don’t the manufacturers use the ‘use-before’ date idea as food stuffs? Why, indeed? Obviously because sales would suffer. But it’s a trifle unfair on the user.

Weighing &Mixing - Home-Brew Experiment Editorial CRCMain

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