The 1986 C.R.C. Open Meeting Announcement 

        Once again it is my pleasure: to announce that we will hold, what has now become an Annual event, our Open meeting for 1986. This will take place at the Didcot B.R. Staff Club in Station Road on ‘Sunday 25th of May. 

 As this is also an A.G.M. this will start at 12’00 noon with the Open meeting starting at 12.00-2.30 and rub until around 5.30 time. The hours of the Staff Club bar is 12.00 – 2pm and ‘will be available for members who required some refreshments. 

After last years meeting it was agreed that member’s slide shows should be restricted to no more than 20 minutes or so and more time should be allowed for everyone to be able to mix and chat more during the interval. If you have something to show please to keep it within that period if possible. 

Margary Meadows hopes to bring her latest Cibachrome prints from her African Safari plus some from a visit to America, including the Grand Canyon. These will be on show during the interval when some light refreshments will be provided. 

Bill Crumplin will be bringing some of his normal 35mm 3-D slides and Wide screen normal slides, but hopes, too that his Wide-Screen 3-D work will be, made presentable by then, but he doesn’t want to commit himself of these yet. He has had trouble getting the damage to his projectors done to presentation standards, but if he can: complete the work by May he will certainly consider giving them an airing His mono wide-screen slides are presented on the same l7’ wide screen and even without the stereo effect are quite something. 

Kevin Craske hopes to bring his sales stall (T.F.M. films, chemicals etc) and if you want anything he will accept orders to be brought along to Didcot. Don’t forget you get up to 10% discounts from Kevin. 

For those of: you who have’nt been before. The Didcot Staff Club is just’200 yards or so from the Station, There is ample car parking, but! better after the Club closes at 2pm. ‘While we will have the use of the Lounge and main hall, the slide projections will take place in the rear building which is permanently blacked out and large enough for our needs. A C.R.C. notice board will be placed for your guidance. 

These meetings have been very enjoyable in the past and we hope that you will try to come along. You will be.

made most welcome and add to the enjoyment of the day.

Mandalay Poem Editorial CRCMain

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