(Page Two)

Club Constitution. Rules and Competition Rules. 

The Secretary reminded the meeting that a Club constitution had been published previously in Jan. 1978 in issue No. 8 of CRC News. A revised set had been presented by Pert Saunders and Bill Reid being a composite from those of several photographic societies, These had been circulated to Area Leaders, previously for comment. A long discussion ensued and the proposed rules and constitution with rules for competitions were amended and required, bearing in mind the many comments received from Area Leaders and individual members. 

Annual Open Meeting. 

It was proposed that the annual open meeting be also designated an Annual General Meeting for Club business to be transacted in a democratic manner. The revised set of rules will be presented at this meeting. 

Editor’s report. 

Bill Reid reported that his typewriter had broken down and was economically repairable. As this was a portable machine and not robust, it was decided that it be replaced by an electronic model. This would be able to use different sets of type face and would produce much more even stencils, resulting in a considerable overall improvement in the reproducing the Newsletter. 

Annual Subscription Rate. 

The Treasurer reported. that with reduced level of membership, income into Central funds barely broke even with expenditure on the Newsletter. There was however, a comfortable reserve fund and although this would be reduced by the purchase of a new typewriter and expenditure on publicity, it was agreed to keep the portion of the annual subscription sent to central funds the same at £1.50 for the coming financial year. However it became obvious during the discussion that some areas were able to offer very different facilities (premises for meetings etc) from others and there were already areas charging different subscription rates from the standard one Of £3.50 - some more, spine less. This seemed. reasonable and it was agreed that each Area would fix their own subscription rate with the proviso that £1.50 for each member be sent to Central funds. 

Secretary/Chairman Report. 

As previously announced in the Newsletter, Brian Savage wished to relinquish these two posts, but would continue as technical adviser. Ron Croad was approached as a possible successor who then agreed to accept the post of Hon. Secretary. Bert Saunders volunteered to take over as Chairman. These changes to take effect after the issue of the January 1986 Newsletter for the Secretaryship and the Chairman from the start of the new financial year in April.

The CRC Formula for E6 Processing.

Bill Reid informed the meeting that Ron Knowles had produced a 3-bath formula for E6 processing and showed examples of films processed by the method which were of high standard. It was agreed that this ‘formula would be published in the Newsletter and other members should give it trials. The possibility of producing a CRC Booklet of formulae was also mentioned. 

Any Other Business. 

Bill Reid proposed that Ron Knowles be elected as a life member of C.R.C. in recognition of his work for the Club over many years’ even when handicapped by failing eye sight. This was unanimously agreed and the Secretary would write to advise and congratulate Ron. 

The Meeting Closed at 5.25pm. The Chairman thanking all those attending for their time and for coming long distances. 

Just enough space left to wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and good photography.

  Editorial CRCMain

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