By- Sue Croad

I believe that an Area Leader is thinking of starting a slide folio It is possible that other members of the Club would like to participate in a similar scheme.

Area 20 has been running a folio for over 15 years now and as far as 1 know it is the only Area currently doing so. The 11 participants send their slides to Ran Croad together with a simple card giving details of the. slide such as film, camera and lens used, time of day that the picture was taken and any other relevant comments, Each participant has the chance to view the collection of 22 slides in the comfort of their own home, write critical comments of the slide on the cards and award marks.

The slides and the cards, with their growing- list of comments, are posted from one folio member to the next. The marks are sent to the organiser who combines, the results and eventually declares the~ winner of each folio • Each card and slide will make a second round together with the table: of marks. This allows the earlier participants an opportunity to see the comments made by the earlier ones and everyone can also take a look at the overall results. Also as each group of slides is going the rounds again, they will be accompanied by a new batch of slides and the cycle starts all over again. ~4n additional, feature of the folio is the inclusion of a note book in which participants enter any comments or questions that they may have regarding matters not directly related to the individual slides.

The cost of this to each person is no more than the cost of posting the folio on to the next member, currently about 8O~ every two months or so. Mark cards and comment cards, are,. of course, all provided free. For those members who find it difficult to meet other members in person and share their hobby, this folio has provided a tremendous form for ideas on photo—techniques and home processing.

If you are interested in joining in. please ‘write to the name and address below. Additionally, if any of you feel a burning desire to help with the day-to-day (or rather the month-to-month) running of the folio, I shall be only too pleased to hear from you.


The Annual AGM & OPFN MEETING will take place on Sunday 31st of May 1987 At the ‘ usual venue, the B. R. STAFF CLUB in Station Road Didcot. (120 yads from Station).

Starting at 2pm until 6-6.3Opm. It is hoped to have some Widescreen & 3-D. And this year we are proud to announce that an Agent from KONICA’s technical department will b~ giving a talk This is an important occasion and we urge members to please, try to come along and support YOUR Club You will have a chance to ask many of those questions you have always wanted answered. It is not only he who will be on show, but the Colour Reversal Club It is up to you to show what we can do.

The AGM & Projections will take place in the backroom which will also be used, for. refreshments. Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches & Biscutes will be available. The entrance is between the two main buildings. A CRC notice will be on show. Should you arrive before a CRC official please report to the Staff Club Steward and explaining your presence The Bar is open from 12-2pm and may be used by CRC members, but with discretion. It is a private club.

Please note that two other car parks are available. Agreement is given to use the SIKKEN’S office car park Their office building’ is directly opposite, but the car park is at the rear, in a ONE WAY road. The other is the Council car park, at the top end of Station Road. (fee paying). And the Staff Club space. But we suggest that this be used only by those who have brought equipment. This will avoid confliction with normal Staff Club users at the busiest times.

Didcot enjoys a good train service and connections with the A34 & M4 Motorway.. It is situated between Swindon, Reading, Oxford & Newbury. If coming by train, why not enquire about the NETWORK SOUTH EAST CARD which gives a further reduction on cheap day and return fares. Or, possibly, share a car with friends.

If you have any slide presentations and/or any subject to discuss, PLEASE let your Editor know, write or phone. It is important to be able to make up a programme before hand. Please keep to 36/50 slides or 15/20 minutes running time. Further slides may be, used if time allows. 

We make a SPECIAL plea for as many of you as possible to. come along and show the Club at it’s best and make this a meeting to remember.
  Editorial CRCMain

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