Dear Member,

As I was elected as Club Chairman at the A.G.M., way back in May (92), I thought I should introduce myself, to all the members, who do not know me.

But first, though, I would like to say "A VERY BIG THANK YOU, TO BERT SAUNDERS", I think Bert has done an excellent job as Chairman, in the past, and I hope that I will be able to do it as well as he did, in the future.

Well!, I have been very interested in photography for about 7 years, with my main interest being in Landscapes, Portraiture, and now I am moving into Bird Photography, where lens expenditure permits.

I do all my own processing of films, (which I must admit does need more experience) and also I do quite a lot of colour printing, which has always been my first love, about 6 years ago constructed my dark-room in the loft, and which strangely enough, did not give me much aggro, from my wife, Eileen, maybe she is trying to tell me something. In the past, I have not, been too much involved with black & white photography, but this has recently changed, as I have embarked on a family history project, on the East End of London, where I was born.

My other interests are computers, and in particular Desk Top Publishing, and also I like wind-surfing, when I can stay on board. On the personal side, I am 54 years old, married to the wife, Eileen, I have a son Michael, 27, and a daughter, Nicola, 19, sadly at present, both of them are not interested in photography. I am, and have been, for the last 33 years, employed by British Telecomm, as a diesel generator engineer, so if you have any problems with your diesel car or van, give me a call and I may be able to help out.

Well I think that is about it, except to thank the members, that voted for me at the A.G.M., and also a special THANK YOU to the rest of the committee, Ron and Sue Croad, Colin Powell, Bob Lewis, Bill Reid, Brian Savage, and Sandra Craske, for past, and I know there will be a great deal of HELP and support. I have made some great friends since I have been a member of the Club, and I hope to make many more, in the future, and I also look forward to meeting as many members as possible.

Best Regards.

Pete. (Guy).

With apologies to Pete, for this article being omited from the January Newsletter, due to the original copy going astray.


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