Dear Member,

                                The first committee meeting for 1996 took place on Saturday the 9th, March at our usual venue at Worcester. The members who attended were, Pete. Guy,(Chairman), Ron Croad (Secretary), Colin Powell (Treasurer), Brian Savage (Area 14), Bill Reid (Editor), with apologies for absence from Bert Saunders (Area 15), the meeting was held  slightly earlier than normal this year because the AGM/Show has been brought forward to April. The Agenda for the day was quite full, and after covering the usual subjects like the previous minutes, Secretary's and Treasurer's reports etc. the two main items for the day were, the Future Policy of the Club, and the AGM Repton. 

The Future Policy of the Club item, arose from all the recent photographic press coverage on Digital Imaging, as you are now probably aware this subject is causing great concern amongst camera club's, more so on the printing side than on the transparency side, because if a print is scanned into the computer, manipulated and then re-printed even the paper for the printer is glossy as photographic paper (you don't even need a dark room with this technology) it is very difficult for a judge to detect that any manipulation has taken place, so a club must only rely on the honesty of the author, you can of course do a similar move with a tranny and have it transferred back onto film by the now popular company's who specialise in this type of work and then again put this into a club competition and possibly win, but the CRC do not have these type of competitions and inter-club battle's thank goodness, so the committee were quite satisfied that as far as the CRC is concerned we have no problem as yet. 

One interesting point on this item though, I went to the 'Focus on imaging 1996' at the NEC last week, and was I very surprised to find that there must have been about six to eight stands at least, with company's specialising in this technology and it would seem it is only just the beginning! 

The next item, was the AGM at Repton, which is one which is causing me most concern, and that to date I have only received ONE! YES JUST ONE! offer out of all our members, who is willing to give any short slide show on the day, and this was from a lady member who only joined the club a few months ago, I now find it almost unbelievable that from nearly 250 members only one person, has come forward! I am appalled, that there is so much apathy at present within the club, no one seems to want to get off their backsides do anything! what is the matter with you all? and what is happening to the Club? I think the committee were all unanimous, in the prospect, that unless someone else brings some slides, or a talk, or something to Repton, the day could be an expensive flop! with this sad point in mind I closed the meeting at about 4pm. 

This is all on my report for this edition, if you will be attending Repton, and I hope you will, please don't forget to bring a couple of your best slides for entry into "The Slide of the Year" competition, we now have a very nice trophy, which the winner will hold for a year, so come on get digging into those slide boxes, all for now.

Cobbler's Page Editorial CRCMain

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