By Brian Asquith (Librarian)

Since this is the first of what is to become a regular item, a bit about myself might give indication of what to expect. I am a shoe repairer hence the page heading plus the fact that what I write is cobbled together from experience in photography covering a period of fifty years.

I am a life member of a local camera club; member of three postal folios dealing with slides, colour prints, and black/white prints. Having a well equipped darkroom I weigh and mix (W&M) most of the time and process all my own material.

My interests are mainly travel and walking so the subjects I photograph are varied. My favourite is landscapes but having so many photographic outlets I have pictures covering all types of photography. I snap away and enjoy all aspects of the hobby. My equipment is basic manual cameras, two Ensign Folders for 120 B&W; a Mamiya 645, again a 120 but used when focusing becomes critical as it is through the lens, a few 35mm cameras, plus a variety of lenses accumulated over the years. More about the use of this later.

I have used all, makes of films and kits for processing them in as well as all the formulas produced by the CRC boffins over the years - and there has been a lot ....

Up to the last issue of the CRC magazine I was under the impression that the majority of members were similar to myself as regards W&M. I`ve probably got this idea because when I had a problem the members I contacted were able to put me on the right track as they were W&Ms. Now I`m left wondering who is out there ?

I can be as technical as the next man and this has been one of the reasons for being a member of the CRC. I like to read about the technical side and the magazine has provided me with interesting articles which no British publication matches. However, it seems the W&Ms are out-numbered (how about a survey of which members do what ?).

I will endeavour to make my future cobblings varied. I shall be forthright and I shall expect some constructive feedback sometimes. For a start how about E6 processing in Chrome 6 kits? I use this kit when I have been on holiday and my wife and I get through a dozen or so films. Chrome 6 is about œ12.00 for a 600ml three bath kit. They are easy to use and give good results with a variety of film brands. Instructions are foolproof. You may ask why don`t I use the CRC home brew ? There are several reasons. I have had excellent results with the formula but I have also had disasters, so I am not 100% sure every time and for un-repeatable shots eg. holiday, I want to be sure.

I still find it a bind to weigh and mix so many baths. I have the feeling it could be a lot simpler. If time permitted I would experiment with a light reversal and a Blix bath. In the meantime I use the club formula for the odd film and a kit for bulk processing. Then again, is it economical if one considers time, cost of materials and electricity bills when you can get a film commercially processed for £2.90 ?

I can only say that using a kit gives a certain amount of satisfaction but mixing your own from raw and getting good results is doubly satisfying - akin to baking a cake.


Technical Points (Update) Editorial CRCMain

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