Bill Reid (CRC Editor)

Thanks to Pete Guy for putting me onto this web site. Jono Mail Oder is one of these "On-Line Sales" businesses which are cropping up all over the Internet and offer you the chance to shop and pay for your goods from the comfort of your computer.

Have a look into Inside a very colourful and well designed web site there are great bargains for Film, which include Kodak, Fuji, Ilford. E.G. Agfa (process paid) 100asa £5.50 & 200asa £5.57). Panasonic batteries are also on sale. All prices include V.A.T.

If you decide to use Jono Mail Order pleased don't forget to mention the Colour Reversal Club as where you have heard about them.


After numerous problems with Direct Debit, where some firms have messed up payements and had the cheek to add the Interest, I have recently signed up to Internet Banking, with Lloyds TSB. Once set up you have access to your account(s) and can keep regular track of your dealings. Regular transactions are viewed on the spot and you can even pay your bills yourself, at your computer. Now you know that bill really is paid, and if there is any dispute you only have your bank manager to have a go at instead of umpteen others. I think it is great and recommend it.

Cobbler's Page Editorial CRCMain

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