
This is intended purely as a summary of the questionnaire replies. The completed replies to 76 questionnaires have been received and used for this summary. Area Co-Ordinators have the full results - the actual numbers and comments made.

Of the questionnaires sent out, 53% were returned completed.

Of these, 64% wanted the scope of the Club widened, all the topics listed - which covered B&W and colour, neg/pos and reversal, special effects
(eg toning) using kits as well as W&M and digital imaging - were wanted by similar numbers of members, with a slight bias towards W&M and colour reversal. Other topics suggested were:-

Astronomy (CCD imaging), Cameras, Darkroom Equipment, Places to Visit, "How to Do It", Information about equipment and materials (this to include digital), History of Photography, Retouching by Computer, DIY Projects, Audio Visual, Macro & Micro Photography, "Creative B&W", a "Photo Clinic". Some of these suggestions appeared more than once e.g. various DIY ideas. Information for beginners (esp. digital).

Most respondents, over 60%, wanted a separate Digital section in the News.

Most wanted a new name - 18% didn't - and the favourite was Photographic Imaging Club - or a shortened version. Other suggestions were, in order of "votes cast":-

The Home Processing Club The Home Photo Processing Club The Home Digital and Photo Processing Club

There were about ten other single suggestions, nearly all including "Processing" and "Club" in the title. One member pointed out that the name should follow the direction the Club intends to take. None mentioned that some of the names may already be associated with existing Clubs. One unusual and I suspect unique suggested name was "The Post Exposure Club"

Most - 54% - wanted the meetings to move around. Although the question was only intended to refer to the AGM that wasn't how it was worded and several people specifically wanted Didcot to remain, with 30% saying that they would be prepared to help - at least with some qualification.

The question about Club activities was a "ticks in boxes" affair which is not easy to summarise. Although the majority of respondents took the easy option of "no change" a good proportion seemed to want more of everything including competitions and exhibitions. The comments areas attracted a
good number of replies:-

Newsletter. Nearly all positive and generally wanting more. Many suggestions of what members would like to see, but (many) fewer offers to write
anything. More colour, but better quality. A couple of simple suggestions were for larger type and a letters page. Information from the world wide web.

Slide Folio. Few comments. More publicity needed and more members. However unless someone can come up with a clever way of organising it, more
members means a round trip takes too long.

Library. Mainly in support. Two common points - more publicity and the publication of at least a book list and preferably including short descriptions. Digital topics should be included. The cost of postage was cited as a problem. Some members asked if the service was used.

Film Supplies. Few comments. Generally thought to be too expensive (especially cassettes) and members want a range of films.

Chemical Supplies. Even fewer comments. A couple of suggestions that we add B&W chemicals - "exotic" even, toners. One member asked if the service  was viable against commercial operations.

Area Meetings. Generally seen as "a good thing", The questionnaire didn't ask whether the respondent's Area held any.

Competitions. Several members asked "What Competitions?". Several wanted more. Once again, the questionnaire didn't ask whether there were any held by the local Area. Both print and slide competitions were suggested, as well as combination of the latter with the slide folio.

Exhibitions. As with competitions, although the appearances of the CRC at the Photo Action events could be considered an exhibition it seems it will remain almost a "one off".

Other comments and suggestions were:-

Reprints of past articles. More members exhibitions/slide shows at the AGM. A "lecture service" whereby CRC members give talks etc to local camera clubs.

Support of "Do It Yourself" photography - in all forms - including digital. Local, informal, meetings in members' homes. Stick to chemical photography.

Give mutual support, non-destructive critiques not driven by the need to win competitions. A directory of willing members, giving (photographic) interests and activities.

Emphasis on home processing. There appeared to be a need to bridge the gap that sometimes appears between users of traditional chemical processes and those using electronic methods of picture making.

What has happened to the New Members Handbook?.

The Club website to include a picture gallery. The emphasis should remain on Colour Reversal. The practical problems of changing our name - why not just change the logo? Pete G's Area 20 one was cited. An attached mutual help club covering digital photography. We should treat digital imaging as just another tool for photographers to use and welcome it as such.

There were a few comments and questions about Competition and Exhibition Rules which should perhaps be considered separately.

There were many expressions of thanks and appreciation from members for the work of the CRC and those who run it. The News in particular was the subject of much praise. Some members either sent stamps or returned the reply-paid envelope to help reduce the cost of the exercise - thanks to them all.

Painting with light Editorial CRCMain

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