STRANGE things, computers. Many years ago, when I first tried to learn joined up writing, individual characters had to be drawn by hand. The only people who had heard of fonts were interested in churches. Printers knew what founts were. Since the rise and rise of Mr. Gates' wonderful products we all learned American and don't have to worry any more. We call them fonts and can draw characters in any style we choose.

Unfortunately the past comes back to haunt us. I never mastered the art of joined up writing and must once have been able to draw the character "4" in such an imaginative way that it looked, to an equally imaginative viewer, like "21". Come on, it's easily done, narrow the eyes a bit. This has worked its way into the hidden recesses of a computer somewhere from where it rises to taunt me now and again. It appeared at the head of this column in the last issue of the News as well as other odd places. It causes letters from unsuspecting CRC members to circumnavigate Essex on their way to the Hon Secretary and Supplier of Chemicals to the Gentry. Some fall by the wayside. So please, fellow members all, put CO4 3HA on the envelope and all will be well.

The QUESTIONNAIRE summary is in this issue, at least it is if the Hon. Editor can find the space. I have received three more replies over recent weeks. They are included in this version, as are some comments. Since the Committee won't have met to consider these before this issue of the News goes to press, the comments are mine and do not indicate any other.

There are many ideas for items to go in the News, and we are grateful for your suggestions, BUT the main source of material for publication is yourselves. Bill Reid is always on the lookout for articles. Think of all the things photographic that you know about, the rest of us probably don't but would like to SO TELL US. It doesn't have to be deathless prose, write it how you like, we'll be able to understand it. The more we do it the more we'll all learn and the better we'll all get (good grammar it ain't, but it's definitely prose). If it doesn't make it into this issue and you're desperate to see, ask and I'll send it to you.

AN APOLOGY is due to members here, as a result of a somewhat tactless comment by me in the last issue of this column, the Hon. CRC Webmaster shut down the Club site. As a result the Hon. Editor is extending his skills to the World Wide Web. I'm sure that all members will wish to thank Bill for this and also Dennis O'Connor who has been giving him a hand. We all look forward to seeing the results soon.

THE AGM is now well and truly behind us. A new venue proved very pleasant despite our self destructing blackout. Special thanks to Brian Savage who arranged it all and to Mrs. Savage, Rita Pearle and sister Paddy who provided the refreshments.

The minutes are in this issue together with the other material that was available to members who were able to attend. I have to say that the minutes themselves are the subject of several challenges from one member, so please read them carefully. Because of the commitments of Committee members, it has not been possible to arrange a Committee meeting in time to deal with the matters raised by the AGM and publish the results in this News as we were instructed to do by the AGM. We meet on July 29th - Area co-ordinators have details - so, for the moment, watch this space.

APRÉS AGM this year was a 3D slide show by Bernard Brown. Bernard, who is a PAGB lecturer and long standing member of the Stereoscopic Society treated us to some quite breathtaking sequences. I had not seen a 3D show before and can heartily recommend to anyone else who hasn't - get to see some. Bernard himself is a good showman and his personal additions made for a very entertaining afternoon. It is worth mentioning that much of the equipment and techniques used were devised and "home made" by Bernard himself. I'm sure that all those present join me in thanking Bernard and the CACC - PAGB links through which the show was arranged.

SUMMER is gradually taking over from Spring hereabouts and the darkroom is all but abandoned at the moment. Those of you with gardens and flowers should find much of interest. Eat a hole in the contents of your freezer so that you can seal up your exposed films and stick them in there. They'll keep 'tillyou've done the garden, painted the house, serviced the car, been on holiday and mixed up another batch of chemistry. Er - what do you mean - ? What's that ? A what ? A kit ? Ouch.

AGM Minutes Editorial CRCMain

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