The main news for this issue is the report of the Central Committee Meeting held on November 16th. This was an important meeting and -I feel real progress was made. Area Leaders were invited and some were able to attend,  I should like to record my thanks to them .for corning and the considerable help given to the meeting. 

Financially the club is in sound shape, although it has some major expenditure ahead in the purchase of a professional quality typewriter for the Editor and is to embark on a publicity- programme to attract new members. I am pleased to tell you that Les Cook of Denton, Lancashire has taken on the job of Publicity Officer - So a Big, welcome to Les. 

Some Areas are now run only on a postal basis while others have regular meetings in comfortable premises. This means a wide range of expenditure of Area funds. For this reason it has been decided that each Area will in future fix it’s own subscription rate but will continue to send £1.50 per member to Central Funds. Members should assume that unless notified by their Area Leaders, their subscription will remain the same at £3.50. 

Bob Lewis, Leader of Area 9 has taken over the task of Membership Secretary. He is already busy bringing this up to date. We :thank him for taking on this important job. I would like to make a plea to all Areas to keep  Bob well informed about changes in membership as it is very important that we have . accurate information, for example, to base the print runs for the Newsletter. 

The Club Constitution, This and Competition Rules have been extensively revised. Copies of these have been sent to all Area Leaders. It is proposed that these be adopted at the next Open Meeting which will also be designated an Annual General Meeting for the transaction of Club Business I should like to thank all those members who sent in their comments and can assure you that all points of view were carefully considered. 

Ron Knowles of Area 11 has perfected a three bath E6 process and this will be published in this Newsletter so that other members can give it a trial with their own batches of chemicals. All of you will have read and enjoyed Ron’s regular contribution to the Newsletters, latterly only produced with difficulty due to his failing sight, Happily this is now improved following an eye operation. It is therefore a great pleas­ure to record that the Committee decided to award him with Hon. Life Membership in recognition of his work over the years. 

Ron Croad, of Area 20 has kindly agreed to take over the job of Secretary from me, after this Newsletter, and Bert Saunders likewise will take on the Chairmanship from April 1986. I am sure these two who have the success of C.R.C. very much to heart will make an excellent job of it. I hope  eventually to catch up on the technical side of processing and will remain as one of the c1ub’s Technical Advisers. I should like to thank all those who have helped me whilst I have been Secretary/Chairman. 

With best wished for a successful, prosperous and Happy New Year. 

Brian. Savage.

Here And There Editorial CRCMain

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