The Club owes a lot to Brian for taking on the Secretary’s job when we were at a low ebb, and helping us to survive. For three or four years now Brian has worked as secretary in a ‘very competent way, and I feel my first job must be to thank him for what he has done. 

Oar membership numbers are at the present fairly low, and the Central Committee are very concerned over this., At the recent meeting at Worcester, the members present elected Les Cook of Area 3, Publicity Officer. Les, is bursting with ideas and .1 sin sure that our numbers will soon rise again. 

When I joined the club in it’s CR50 days, it was because of a paragraph in the Amature Photographer. Alas the photo press nowadays although more prolific in its publications, seems to know little about us. There have been three times recently when we could have got a mention but got nothing at all. The first was in Camera Weekly, when someone wanted to know how to mix his own chemicals- the answer “There is not much being done in that field nowadays.” The next we have a two page spread on Camera clubs available, in the S.L.R. Photography magazines, local, city manufacturers clubs all got a mention. 

Amature Photographer was the latest, when someone wanted to know how to process CR50 - the answer would have given some of our older members a good excuse for throwing a fit. The columnist would contact Derek Watkins who used, to run the CR5O Club for the formulae. That statement is little short of an insult to some of the people who really did run the Club at that time. We will try to answer the last one, and in future, try to cover the press and make ourselves better known. 

To get the Club back on its feet needs a lot of thought and effort. We have a Committee who are as keen as mustard, and with the present climate of costly materials and equipment, the atmosphere should be right to pull in new members who want to cut their costs. After all we do save 50% or so on film, and even more if we are weighers & mixers. So how about all of you trying to get a new members. 

Sometimes I wonder whether we have the balance of our activities right. Do we for instance spend more on our recourses on technical matters than we should; or would the membership like information on photographic techniques. There are a lot of subjects that may be unknown to new members or to beginners, such as composition; slide mounting; filing ‘systems or storage; masking. Come to that they would probably be of benefit some of our older members, after all we can all learn something new at some time or other. 

There must be some of you that could put together a short article for the magazine, for which I am sure the Editor would be only too pleased to accept. Don’t be shy, someone will be glad of the knowledge you are passing on. 

Best wishes with your Spring Photography. 

Ron Croad.

Here And There Editorial CRCMain

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