There has been a proliferation of Photographic Clubs recently. They are being run, by camera manufacturers, photographic, magazines, and the latest batch by photographic dealers. The club that amateur photographer runs, was launched on a free basis. Within a month it’ had nearly 40,000 members. It was more than their staff could cope with and they had to stop, recruiting. Now there is a £2 registration fee. All the other clubs charge subscriptions which range from £6 to £20! Rather a lot, when they are pushing their own products at the same time.

As you have probably guessed by now, we are round to our own time to renew subscriptions. they remain at £3.50 for one person and £5. for ‘Family membership. It is a very reasonable sum to pay when one considers the amount of information we receive. We are not sponsored in any way, so can give an honest, unbiased opinion of any product that comes on the market. If you haven't already done so please send your sub. to your area leader as soon as possible.

Behind the scenes a lot of work is being put in by Tony Chuter and Bob Lewis. Tony has sent out hundreds of leaflets about the club and Bob is busy dealing with replies. The membership figures are getting a little better. Not many people have heard of us, and I feel that we can all help by trying to get a new member into the fold.

It will soon be time for our second A. G. M. when all the Committee are subject to re-election. If anyone wishes to put himself up for the committee please send me the name, office, proposer and seconder, at least 21 days before the meeting. The same rules apply to any propositions which you may wish to put before the meeting.

Please make an effort to get along to Didcot for the A. G. M. it has always been a very enjoyable affair. The business part of the meeting should not take us long, then we can settle down to the programme of slides and AV’ presentations. In order to give everyone who wishes a chance to show their work, could you please limit slide presentations to 50 slides and l5mins. Bring some spares and if we have time we can all have a second show. Refreshments arid drinks will be available, so come along and have a good day out.

Regards, Ron.


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