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Now located in Raleigh, NC, the residence of David Wollaeger ,this Barton features a beautiful white and gold console and was originally a 3/10 from the Uptown Theatre in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All original traps and toys including xylophone , glock, chrysoglott, marimba still play. The organ has been retrofitted with a New solid state (parallel technology) relay. Stop rails were expanded and considerably more unification and couplers were added, Keyboards rebushed and rewired, etc. The instrument is powered by a Spencer 7-1/2 H.P. blower, motor rebuilt with new bearings, phase shifter.
The Devtronix midi record/play system lives in the console. The relay incorporates midi interface cards which are activated by "piano" stop tabs to play a 7'-6" Yamaha DC7F Disklavier grand piano (whose volume can be controlled by the swell pedals). A 7' harpsichord (8' & 4' stops) with electric action I built is playable from all manuals. |
Original ranks (all playing) are: Tibia, Vox, Tuba, Clarinet, Kinura, VDO, V.Celeste, Oboe Horn, Flute, & Diaphonic Diapason. Added ranks are: Orchestral Oboe (R. Morton), Military Trumpet (Gottfried), Saxophone (reedless Estey) and Gamba (Estey). Have pipework and relay wiring for small scale 4' salicional and celeste, no chest. Pipework to 16' includes Tuba, Tibia, Flute, and Diaphone (Wurlitzer).
The Beautiful Console
The Harpsichord
This 3/10 Barton, originally from the Milwaukee Uptown, enlarged to 3/14 in David Wollaeger's residence in Raleigh, NC is currently in storage, having been donated after the sale of the home. WHAT! Are the buyers of the home NUTS to not want an organ installed???? What has happened to America? Anyway, the organ is due to be installed in the Fischer Theatre, Danville, IL, when the theatre renovation is finished. Stay tuned.