back in the Hinsdale to be royally entertained   by three talented Indiana organists,  BobGoldstein,  Bob Orth and  Malon Houlihan. 
Although we have heard the mellow offering
of  Bob Goldstein before, (and have always 
enjoyed them) in keeping  with our desire to 
present new  entertainers, Orth and Houlihan 
  were new to us.  All three organists were 
outstanding and were  well received by the 
audience.  We hope we have the opportunity 
to hear them  again in 2000.
organists of the  Chicago area. Members are encouraged to share their memorabilia  and news of current projects to be shared  on our website.  Contributions should be passed on to CATOE webmaster Jon  Habermaas for inclusion or as necessary for updating the site. 
Several sites are under consideration for installation of the Oriental WurliTzer  and former Pennsyvania Colonial Theatre  Kimball organs.
Those pictured above are responsible for a very successful CATOE PUBLIC SHOW At the Tivioli Theatre in Downers Grove.  From L to R. Paul and Linda Van Der Molen. Paul is responsible for planning the Program and acting as master of ceremonies.  Piano and violin virtousos Kristin and Tracy Figard, and on the end is British Cinema organist Paul Roberts Behind  Kristin and Tracy is their parents Renee and Steve.
    (continued from column one)
The Friends of the Wanamaker Organ try now to say that the Wanamaker 
is the World's Largest Playing Organ" which is maybe somewhat correct 
since more of it plays than does of the Convention Hall organ but even so not 
all of it is playing and the Convention Hall organ is playable although only 
about 140 ranks currently.  We did a recording  on it a little more than a year 
ago so I do know that it plays!   See  the ACCHOS web page at: for information about that.  And I do have to say that 
it is "quite" an experience to sit "inside" that 7 manual console and play it!!

As I understand currently the largest Church pipe organ is the one in  First Congregational Church in Los Angeles.  With some very recent  additions it is now slightly larger than the Cadet Chapel organ at  West Point.

from David Scribner, Director of Communications, Atlantic City Convention 
Hall Organ Society, Inc. 
In addition David Scribner is  sub dean of the Pensacola AGO Chapter and editor of their newsletter THE WEST FLORIDA

We are grateful to David for his help and encouragement  in starting  our website.

             ORGAN NUGGETS
          from the Wide World Web

Which is the world's largest pipe organ?

Tossup, depending on your definition: Wanamaker's, Atlantic City  Auditorium are probably the BIGGEST; Riverside Church and the  Cadet Chapel at West Point are probably the largest CHURCH organs 
(maybe Passau Cathedral belongs in there too).***********
Quoting from an e-mail that Stephen Smith, President of The Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Society sent in reply to this question to  someone else a couple of months ago:
"According to the Guinness Book of World Records (GBoWR), the size of a pipe organ is measured by the number of its pipes. The Atlantic  City Convention Hall (ACCH) organ has 33,114 and the Wanamaker  instrument has 28,582.
Some people prefer to gauge size by the number of keyboards or stop-keys or even an instrument's weight.  These, however, are unofficial measurements  and, in any case, the ACCH organ is also largest, with 7 manuals, 1,235  stop-keys, and an estimated weight of 300 tons.  The ACCH organ is also recognized by the GBoWR as being the  loudest musical  instrument ever built  as well as the largest.
Nevertheless, the Wanamaker instrument is a record holder in its own right, as it possesses more ranks (461) than any other organ (ACCH has 449) but, alas, the GBoWR does not now  publish this fact."

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