Volume Two - Issue Five
Contributing Editors
The Control Room - Richard Mogridge - Webmaster Console Up! - Tom Hoehn, Lead Editor The Skandia WurliTzer - Per Olof Schultz, Associate Editor MidiTzer Boot Camp - Russ Ashworth, Associate Editor Mighty Hauptwerk - Jim Reid, Associate Editor Desktop Goodies - Fred Willis NYTOS Field Reporter - Eugene Hayek
Office of Operations
Walnut Hill Productions 1233 Sims Street Ridgecrest, California 93555 Phone - 1-727-230-2610 10AM to 6PM PDT Email - slowdog294@yahoo.com
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 4,239 visitors to our site this year.
We have added a high resolution photograph to the June 2004 Featured Organ of the Month, showing the magnificent keydesk of the J. Tyson Forker Memorial 4/32 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ installed at Grace Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida. This is a very large picture, suitable for Windows desktop wallpaper on a really big screen!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 4,007 visitors to our site this year.
Joe Barron at Virtualorgan.com sent me this letter of accomplishement, which I now pass on to you, the loyal patrons of our humble website:
Hi Doc,
I talked with Jim Henry last night, and he would like to combine our websites, MidiTheatreOrgan.com and VirtualOrgan.com. We plan to launch this effort with the next release of MidiTzer. Jim and I have been amazed at the response MidiTzer has had, as I am sure you have, too.
Our website, VirtualOrgan.com is the #1 website for the Theatre Organ. Last month, we had over 87,000 hits and over 20,000 pages views! MidiTzer v0.30 has been downloaded over 2,000 times now! We will be creating new Start-Up pages for new users and more detailed instructions on MidiTzer features. I would appreciate any suggestions you have.
As you know, there is a need for new users to learn how to get their MidiTzers running. There is a lot of work to be done in this area. There will be a MidiTzer Users Forum, and I would like to invite you to be a Moderator.
This will be a little different from the Yahoo! Groups. The MidiTzer Forums will allow categorized messaging and make for an archive of knowledge. I know we have talked about this before, and the time has come to take this step forward. Russ Ashworth is already on board.
Probably, one of the best ways to get people excited about MidiTzer is what you are doing already with the Wall of Fame. That's how I got going on the B4 almost 4 years ago, when I saw what other virtual organists were doing at home.
Of course, I was thinking, if they can do that with the Hammond, why not a WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ? Then, last year, I found MidiTzer while doing a Google search, and my prayers were answered.
You can find the MidiTzer Forum here:
Joe, concider it done! We are here to serve, because it is all about the King of Instruments!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,965 visitors to our site this year.
John Tay Writes A New TPO SoundFont!
This was posted on the Theatre Organ SoundFonts group on Yahoo! today by group member John Tay.
From: John Tay Date: Monday, May 16, 2005 9:30 AM Subject: MY SOUNDFONTS
Hi All,
I've just started posting my SoundFont files on my web site. Main Chamber Part 1 is now available. It will remain on there for about 2 weeks, to be replaced with another at that time. Parts 1, 2 and 3 can be combined using Vienna or you can just load them in as they are. After the entire Main SoundFont is posted, I'll start posting the Solo SoundFont.
Part 1 includes the Diapason and Vox Humana. I'd suggest that you check the volumes of each note (every note has its own sample, tremmed and not tremmed,) and adjust accordingly, as they are set for my system and probably won't be the same on another.
Comments are welcome...
This news has earned John a link on the Mighty MidiTzer Project's Other Virtual Organ Websites page.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,890 visitors to our site this year.
Today, Frank Vanaman, fellow Walnut Hill Wall of Famer and Featured Artist, has added two complete songs and a mini-tutorial on MidiTzer registration featuring twelve short clips you can download and listen to while you study his stop selections for each peice. We are deeply indepted to Frank for his excellent work.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,800 visitors to our site this year.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,775 visitors to our site this year.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,667 visitors to our site this year.
 Frank Vanaman at the console of his Mighty MidiTzer
Frank Vanaman is our fifth Featured Artist here at Walnut Hill. An avid player and enthusiast of the Mighty MidiTzer, he has also earned a place on the Walnut Hill Wall of Fame. To see that page, click here.
We are very proud to feature Frank here at Walnut Hill Productions. His two pages bring the total site page count to ninety! Stay tuned and come back often for there is more to come in the days ahead.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,575 visitors to our site this year.
Russ Ashworth, fellow Walnut Hill VTPO Yahoo! group member and owner of the Rialto WurliTzer 216 Yahoo! group, has joined Tom Hoehn, Owen Jones, and Jim Reid in Walnut Hill's Featured Artists section.
Russ also has a page on Walnut Hill's Wall of Fame, featuring his Mighty MidiTzer virtual TPO setup.
The Walnut Hill Productions website now has eighty-eight pages!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,497 visitors to our site this year.
We have created a new webspace on MSN where TPO enthusiasts can get together and share stories as well as open Messenger conversations. You are invited to stop by and see what all the buzz is about at:
Greetings from the Bone Doctor. God bless all who come here.
I want to thank the 3,420 visitors to our site this year.
 Russ Ashworth at the console of his Mighty MidiTzer.
We have updated Russ Ashworth's Wall Of Fame page to include new pictures of the third version of the virtual console he is building for his Mighty MidiTzer.
We have updated Clint Savage's wallpaper page to include a picture of him seated at the console of his majestic Allen GW-319 Digital Theatre Organ. We have also included a picture of the workspace where this great organ is installed. Also, we have placed a link to a song played by the legendary Walt Strony of TPO fame on this wonderful instrument at Clint's house. Stay tuned as we add more content on this page. There is much more to come.