Volume Three - Issue Six
Contributing Editors
The Control Room - Richard Mogridge - Webmaster Console Up! - Tom Hoehn, Lead Editor The Skandia WurliTzer - Per Olof Schultz, Associate Editor MidiTzer Boot Camp - Russ Ashworth, Associate Editor Mighty Hauptwerk - Jim Reid, Associate Editor Desktop Goodies - Fred Willis NYTOS Field Reporter - Eugene Hayek
Office of Operations
Walnut Hill Productions 1233 Sims Street Ridgecrest, California 93555 Phone - 1-727-230-2610 10AM to 6PM PDT Email - slowdog294@yahoo.com
The May issue of the Gazzette is about our coverage of the 2006 51st Annual American Theatre Organ Society Convention that was held in Tampa, Florida. To see the details of this adventure, click the picture above. This article is a work in progress, so check back often as we add more content.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,879 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Pictures were selected for the upcoming July Feature today, and these had to be manipulated to correct soft focus and low light because the Tampa Theatre is a very dark place.
The editing session took all day and put us behind one day. Expect the feature to go up sometime tomorrow if all goes well. Thanks for your patience.
In other news, Bob's computer exibited far fewer errors today, but we are still having driver problems on the system which are baffling us. A real headscratcher this rig is...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,850 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Bad Drivers!
Another grouling day of troubleshooting the errors on Bob's computer lead us to search for a new video driver for the embedded Intel Extreme graphics accelorator and also look at some other things which were not quite right.
The existing driver was dated 11/14/2004. Some exaustive googling revealed a newer driver dated 6/14/2005 and so we got it and were about to install it when we found another problem related to the file system which was FAT32. We converted the drive to NTFS and installed the newer video driver. This seemed to straighten out a lot of issues. Time will tell...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,810 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Running Out Of Steam...
There were no updates today because we spent the day working on Bob's computer again. We reached the conclusion that the power supply, a 250-watt unit, was inadiquate due to all the hardware upgrades, as we kept getting random stop errors and GPF's. This little Compaq Presario just wasn't meant to do the things we were asking of the stock factory configuration!
After researching these conditions by visiting the Microsoft Knowledge Base and various tech forums, all fingers pointed at the power supply, so off to CompUSA we went to get a new one rated at 500 watts. After installing it, the machine ran much quieter and cooler, but the errors remained, just not as many. Upon the 'marrow, we shall tackle those...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,759 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Preparing The July Feature
Today, we went into the photographs taken during the 51st Annual ATOS Convention and found a true gem, the magnificent 3/14 Mighty WurliTzer installed at the Tampa Theatre in Tampa, Florida. Many good pictures were taken and we plan to post them in the upcoming Featured Organ of the Month for July, 2006.
Folks have been asking us about Tom Hoehn's next CD. If all goes well, this beautiful instrument will be the one we record. With the recent improvements made before the Convention, it promises to be an incredible album, indeed.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,707 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Updates To The Gazette, June Issue
Most of the day was spent uploading pictures for this issue of the Gazette. These include shits of the current office arrangements and scenes from the visit by Kimmy's mom earlier in the month.
It was learned that Vicky will be returning for a second visit to Clearwater in the second week of September, hopefully after the heat of summer has passed. One of the possible items on the agenda is to take a trip to Roaring 20's Pizza & Pipes in Ellenton to see the 4/42 Mighty WurliTzer known as Black Beauty.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,664 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Since the publishing of the latest issue of the official ATOS journal Theatre Organ, Tom Hoehn's wonderful CD entitled Sounds Of Grace has been selling a copy per day.
Here is what a happy listener named William Newton had to say about the album:
I just received my copy of this CD which arrived in perfect condition today, so it took 6 days counting
the drop-off day and the delivery day.
I can tell you that, after listening to it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially liked the good use of the harp on Gentle Shepherd and the nice registration on Blessed Assurance. Everything was skillfully played.
In my opinion, the recording engineer did an excellent job of capturing the sounds of the instrument and there was a nice presence and clarity to the recording.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,625 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
More File Management
 A view of the main data server with the media door open.
There were no updates once again to the site as we spent the day looking at the old server drives and moving large amounts of data to the new locations on the new drives. All told, we are about one third of the way finished with this task.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,576 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Rebuilding The Office
 New office layout with the main data server flanked by Workstation #1 on the left and the MidiTzer computer on the right.
There were no updates to the site today because we spent most of the day rebuilding the office. New computer furniture (at least, new to us!) was procured from one of our friendly Florida neighbors and installed.
This was no easy task, for our bedroom, which also serves as the office, is quite small and thus, the main data server and one of the workstation computers occupy one full wall sitting side by side. The server used to sit to the left of the workstation, but the new desk for the station was built such that we had to switch places.
This meant taking all the equipment off line, disconnecting everything, and setting all aside so we could rearrange things. After all was restored to normal, there was much more floorspace in the tiny room and it felt much less like life abourd a spacecraft.
 Another view of the new office arrangement.
We are quite proud of the changes and also glad for the added storage and work space along with streamlined wiring and power distribution.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,513 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
May And June Features Are Up!
After a lengthly delay due to server rebuilds, the Convention, and visiting relatives, we now have the Featured Organs for May and June posted.
 Looking down at the keydesk of the Mighty 2/5 Wicks Theatre Pipe Organ installed at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Ponchatoula, Louisiana.
The May Feature is the Mighty 2/5 Wicks Theatre Pipe Organ installed at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Ponchatoula, Loisiana. This little organ is typical of the many hudreds of such instruments that were installed in most theatres all across America during the golden age of the King.
 The console of The Grand Duchess.
The June Feature is the Grand Duchess, a 4/100 Hybrid Theatre Pipe Organ installed at the Kirk of Dunedin in Dunedin, Florida. This organ is custom made and includes real pipes combined with digital samples. Instruments of this size were rare during the Silent Movie Era, being found in only the largest theatres in big cities.
The two features are still under heavy construction, being works in progress, but we do have several nice photographs posted for you to enjoy. Thanks for being patient with us as we furiously play catch up.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,469 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
First Day Of Summer!
It is the first day of summer in sunny Florida. The temperature is in the mid nineties during the day and the mid seventies at night. There are hints of storms all around us but none have materialized yet. This evening, lots of lightning played across the sky but no rain fell, and the ground is parched.
Many things have happened today that made for much tension at the home office, but all is back to normal at last. The Devil works overtime to derail the work of the Lord and upset His people, but the Father reighns supremely victorious, yes he does.
The framework was put in place for two late features at the site, the Featured Organs for May and June of 2006. We decided to concentrate on the May feature today. In the days ahead, we will be posting more content we have on these two new pages, which are currently under heavy construction. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,402 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Getting Back On Track...
Today saw more file management on the server and a failed attempt to transfer files from Kimmy's old media to the new drives via the server. It was decided to postpone this operation until a later date so we could get back to updating the site. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,365 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Success At Last!
 Bob's server installed in the studio.
We finally got most of the snags on Bob's computer worked out today after letting him drive it until an error popped up for us to solve, wherein three surfaced. After installing a fresh ASPI layer, the machine smoothed out.
We attempted to start Phase Two on Kimmy's box, wherein the data from her old hard drives gets copied to the new ones, but we were not successful on the first try. We have decided to postpone this task until we get a bit more caught up on website updates, which are to begin in ernest tomorrow. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,318 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
More IT Duty...
Kimmy's and Bob's computers were finalized today and tested rigorously prior to being released to their owners for operation. All seems to be running smoothly with only a few glitches remaining on Bob's box.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,282 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
One Down, Two To Go!
After six attempts to install Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 on Bob's computer, we were finally successful today. His machine had errors we have never seen before. Thus, a lot of study and hairpulling ensued. Even after the install and tuning were completed, the machine was still exibiting stop messeges and GPF's. But for now, it is usable.
Phase one of the rebuild on Kimmy's machine will be finished tomorrow, three days behind schedule. Phase one was the installation of two new hard drives and a newer core that used to be in the main data server. Once completed, we will move to phase two, in which the data on the old drives gets copied to the new ones. Phase three will include ghosting the machine and making DVD-ROM's of these ghost files for safe keeping and desaster recovery.
The main data server is running well with the new more powerful core and larger hard drives. We have begun to move data between old and new sectors but there is much left to do. Also, the server is still rough around the edges and needs a final tuning for optimal performance. Once complete, we can get back to the business of promoting the King and all who play it.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,242 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
More Website Update Delays...
We are still working on the computers in the office. The server is running fairly well but it's installed software manifest remains incomplete with several applications yet to be installed and tested. Kimmy's computer is nearing completion of phase one of the hardware upgrade. Bob's computer had to be reloaded for the third time in two days, and this task occupied most of the workday. The machine still exibits errors, one being a video driver issue and the other a memory mapping issue. Also, it will no longer update the OS after installing SP2.
For these reasons, we are running behind on the material that needs to be posted at the site. As we make progress, I will keep all informed, including when the new content is added later this month. Thank you for your patience and continued patronage.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,209 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King! We have exceded 34,059 visitors since the site went online.
Back Up And Regroup...
Just when things looked done on the rebuild of Bob's computer, things went awry and it started coughing up error messages while Windows was running, some of which were the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. Much study was carried out and the entire day was spent trying to resolve the errors but the solutions remained elusive.
After exploring all the possible fixes at hand, it was decided to try again after a good night's sleep. There had to be a way to tame this cantankerous beast and we were determined to find it.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,164 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King! We have exceded 34,000 visitors since the site went online.
The wait is finally over! Today. the Mighty MidiTzer Style 260 Special became available for immediate download at VirtualOrgan.com. The news was posted at Theatre Organ SoundFonts on Yahoo! Music Groups by Jim Henry. We quote him below:
The new 3 manual, 19 rank Miditzer Style 260SP has been released. Go to the www.VirtualOrgan.com home page and follow the links for the release announcement, download, and registration information.
The MidiTzer Style 260SP is fully functional except for MIDI Input. MIDI Input can be enabled for a 60 day evaluation period whenever you choose. A permanent registration code is given to those who support the preservation and promotion of theatre organs with a contribution of $100 or more.
Jim Henry
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,125 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King! A grand total of 33,975 happy campers have walked through our front door since the site went online 26 months ago. All told, we are averaging about 1,300 visiters per month or around 43 per day.
Getting Back To Normal...
Today sees the reopening of the website administration manifest so we can get back on track with updates to the site. There is lots of sorting of files and scripting of new pages to do before actual posting of new content occurs, so please bear with us.
Vicky is at home safe and sound. Her flight was uneventful and we found out she was home via a telephone call from Kimmy's sister Laura around four in the morning.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,072 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Vicky Returns To California...
 Vicky relaxes while awaiting the taxi for the airport.
Kimmy's mother flew out of Tampa International Airport around five in the evening amidst three folks who will miss her deeply: Kimmy, Bob, and myself. Tropical depression Alberto missed the area, but we remained concerned nonetheless as flight time approached and the storm drew closer. The office was closed for the day.
Because of the day's events, the Walnut Hill Office of Operations was closed.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,053 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The Vacation Winds Down...
 The beach at sundown in Clearwater, Florida.
Kimmy's mother spends her last full day with us before returning home tomorrow afternoon. It has been a very interesting ten days and she will be missed. I do believe she will be back, however. Once a person visits Florida, they simply must return.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 24,000 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
A Trip To Ye Olde Saint Pete
 Intrepid tourists arriving at the Pier, Saint Petersburg, Florida.
We took Kimmy's mother to Saint Petersburg to see the huge pier with the aquarium, many eateries and gift shops inside a huge mall-like structure. She was taking dozens of photos on 35mm film the whole time. We are anxious to see the results. Thus, the office was closed for the day.
 Clown Fish swimming in the Aquarium at the Pier.
One of the attractions at the Saint Petersburg Pier is the saltwater aquarium containing many local species of fishes. We found Nemo among them, as seen in the shot above.
 Just keep swimming...!
And where would Nemo be without his buddy and rescuer Dory? Here, we see her doing her "Just keep swimming" thing as she searches for Nemo.
24,000 Visitors To The Land Of The King Since January 1st Of 2005!
Another milestone was reached today as the hit counter rolled past the 24,000 mark, making a grand total of 33,850 happy campers since the site opened in April of 2004.
Elsewhere in TPO land, other sites are experiencing record attendance. Chaz Bender's website, Theatrepipeorgans.com has attained 12,000 visitors. Joe Barron's website, Virtualorgan.com, has attained over 300,000 visitors.
The popularity of virtual organ programs for personal computers is taking off. There are now an estimated 25,000 folks running the Mighty MidiTzer worldwide. Many more have seen it and are curious about it. Hauptwerk 2 is proving to be very successful as folks become aware of the Virginia WurliTzer sample set from Milan Digital Audio, which is new and improved, now in version 2. Finaly, jOrgan, now in version 2, is seeing a rise in popularity with the release of new SoundFonts from Bruce Miles.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,924 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Future Plans For The Convention Story
We are still feverishly catching up on updates to the site, but we do not have the featured organs up yet. And there are a number of edits we need to carry out in other parts of the site. We also intend to create a new section and separate the days of the Convention story into pages that have a link bar and table of contents page so that the story loads quicker in the browser and is clickable by date, simular to the way we did things last year. Stay tuned...
Vicky is winding her vacation down and making preparative plans for her trip home, wherein she will be leaving with heavier bags than she arrived with, carrying many gifts home to the rest of the family. Time flies when you're having fun!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,908 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Associate Editors Report In.
Associate Editors Russ Ashworth and Per Schultz have been sending in corrections and suppliments for the Convention story, and we are working to impliment and integrate these changes at the site. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,843 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The Story Of The Convention Nears Completion...
Of the 3,000 pictures we took at the Convention, 74 were used to tell the story of our eight day trip to Tampa. The story has been posted in the May Issue of the Walnut Hill Gazette.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,792 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
More Photo Editing and Posting...
More photographs were sorted, edited and posted at the site, but there are still many more to go as we work hard to catch up on a workload that is over two months behind.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,721 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Being Tourists, Continued...
 Glamor shot of Vicky Wood
Today, the office was closed as we approached the half-way point in Vicky's visit to Walnut Hill. Stay Tuned as we get back on track later in the week.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,701 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Being Tourists On Vacation
 Kimmy, Vicky and Bob shoping for trinkets at Pier 60 in Clearwater.
Kimmy's mother is starting to get a bit more used to the local climate, enough so to venture outside for sightseeing and shopping. She has also gotten to meet many of our neighbors.
Most of the day was spent relaxing and touring the town, so very little work on the site got done. What we did accomplish was choosing some more shots to post tomorrow. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,651 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Posting New Pictures...
Today, the new pictures from the Convention began appearing on the site. To see them, go to the Archives for May and scroll down the page. As we get more done, the gaps will begin to fill in. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,600 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Sorting Pictures...
We bagan to sort through the vast collection of over 3,000 pictures taken during the Convention. After we had about a hundred set aside to use, we began to write the code for the pages where they would be displayed. We worked well into the night.
Vicky loves everything about the Sunshine State except one thing: the heat. However, she is impressed with the beauty of the neigborhood along with the animals and plants native to our part of Florida.
We are still configuring the new hardware and software on the main data server. Not all is in place but we have most of the work completed for returning to normal operations.
Of the 3,000 pictures that were taken during the Convention, about 400 appear to be good enough to use at first glance through the mountain of files. We shall be posting those in the near future a few at a time.
Work is progressing rather slowly as we endevour to show Kimmy's mom around town and try to make her comfortable in the humid heat of the Gulf Coast while still squeezing in time at the server along the way.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 23,577 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Walnut Hill Gets A Visitor!
 Vicky opens gifts upon her arrival at Walnut Hill.
Kimmy's mother, Vicky Wood of Olivehurst, near Sacramento, California, came to Walnut Hill to spend an eleven day stay with us here in sunny Florida for a much needed vacation. We are bound to get a few shots of that. Stay tuned as we catch up...