Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,500 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
All Systems Go!
After thoroughly testing the main data server, it appears that the surgery wew performed on it was successful. Though not much to look at, the drives all run much cooler and the system is stable without the need for rebooting or any of the random lock-ups that plagued it when we first set it up in the new location.
This month has witnessed many drastic changes for Walnut Hill. Rather than answer the myriad questions scattered about the Yahoo! music groups, Doc will make note here. All is well with the production company but as goes with any change, we are behind schedule. When the Featured Organ of the Month for September is posted, the news will be here. The instument has already been chosen. It is to be a surprise, for we are deviating a bit from the TPO in September as we await the materials that will be going into this feature.
After the first of the month, Walnut Hill will pay out the final bills from the old location thus closing all old business, and can then begin investing in the new office. There is much work to be done. At the moment, all equipment needed to continue our virtual organ research and recording projects is in storage awaiting installation later this year. New tracks from the Bone Doctor will be slow in coming but worht the wait.
There are two older computers in the residence that need a full cleaning and rebuild along with a total software reload. A third machine needs cleaning and minor repairs to the power and cooling subsystems. When complete, the new office will have four machines of which two will be connected to the internet. THe main data server will function as our virtual organ testbed and recording system. This is why we upgraded the hardware recently, making it more than up to the task with power to spare.
In closing, the next issue of the Gazette will be different. We are discontinuing the Dauly News section in favour of a Headline section. The Top Story section will remain. All ads near the top of the Gazette page are free to the owners of the ads because of the services they are providing to the TPO Community. Be sure to visit each one for they have much to offer and this website would not be possible without their contributions of knowledge, funds and time as well as hosting server space.
When things are totally settled down at the new office, we will be listing a price sheet for advertising and other services including jingle authoring and other recording tasks for WTPO Internet Radio. We have proven that the concept works, all we need is for folks to get on board as team players. We know you are out there. You know who you are...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,402 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
 The Bone Doctor plays the Allman 4/54 Symphonic VI Virtual Orchestral Organ.
On the 8th of August in 2006, the Bone Doctor visited Ken Allman at Allman Music in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Ken has developed a virtual orchestral organ having four manual and fifty-four ranks. The program runs in Sun Java for Microsoft Windows XP. Click here to listen to some songs Doc played while noodling about on the massive machine loaded on a Dell Optiplex computer.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,363 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Hot Times For The Server
We are still having problems with the main data server. Not only did the machine sustain major mechanical damage due to the move, but it would seem that the climate is not kind to it as well. The new office in Tennessee, unlike the previous one we had in Florida, is not air conditioned. Thus, the heat is beyond the limits of the cooling equipment in the computer.
There was work done today in spite of the problems. New music is on its way from the Allman 4/53 Symphonic VI Orchestral Organ. The tracks, played by the Bone Doctor, were remastered from the tracks on the Allman Music webste and then converted to 128KB/sec WMA format before being transmitted to the website hosting server.
We removed the six hard drives from their drawers and removed the drawer cages from the tower. We then reinstalled the drives by bolting each one to the side of the drive bay of the tower using two screws per drive. Although they are now hanging by one side only, there is plenty of room for air to circulate around them in hopes that they will remain within safe operational temperature limits. Time will tell...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,301 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Office Closed On Sunday
As is usual for the office, no business was done on the Lord's Day. We spent the afternoon playing dominos, the kind that have a double fifteen. Movies are also enjoyed here, the household in the posession of over 400 DVD's and a nice home theatre system to play them on.
Yesterday, the server had some problems accessing the hard drives and went through a period of random lockups as a result. We have concluded that all six hard drive drawers and cages will have to be replaced due to mechanical damage sustained during the move. The vibrations cased the connections where the drawers mate with the cages to be compromised. Although the server is currently working fine, the condition of the drawers has made it rather fragile and great care must be employed when moving it about during servicing, etc.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,274 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Playin' The Blues
After a day of posting new pictures on the site, the Bone Doctor played with Mojo, a local blues band for an evening at Brakkin's Blues Club in downtown Maryville. It was like old hat for Doc has known and worked with the founding father of the band, Al Owrutzky, for many years.
Normally the Doctor plays keyboards for the band, but tonight the regular bassist had other engagements so Doc sat in. A fun time was had and many old friends were there. It was great to be back in the Green Hills of East Tennessee and back on stage.
For those who have been patiently waiting for the pictures from Doc's journey northward, the wait is over. Scroll down through this issue of the Gazette to see them all, including the moving of freight, the flight north, and settling in at the new location. Enjoy!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,200 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Photomanipulation Underway
Over 45 high resolution photographs were sent to the graphics editor today and prepared for sddition to the site. These pictures include shots of the move and the new office installation in Alcoa. Stay tuned as we add them in the days ahead. Hopefully all will be up by the first of the coming week, barring any glitches in the server.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,170 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Video Capture Issues
One of the things we do with the main data server is download video media from various sources such as cameras, VCR's, etc. for conversion to DVD. This is done via an installed video capture card.
When Charter Communications installed the new digital cable, it rendered the analogue card usless for broadcast reception. They gave us one converter box for the living room on the ground floor. They did not put one in the upstairs office. It brought to light the need for a newer video capture card compatable with today's HDTV standard.
The technician was supposed to arrive today to diagnose and solve our problem but after waiting all day, no show. Tomorrow we will get work done as we put the video capture project on the back burner for now. WTPO-TV will have to wait...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,133 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Full Steam Ahead!
The upgrades to the main data server went well. As soon as the new controller card was installed, the spead of the machine doubled. Now we can get down to business at last.
There are many new pictures to post and much to tell about the move. Also, we plan to make subtle changes here and there, along with new content in the days ahead. Stay tuned...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,097 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Open For Business
A trip was made to Knoxville's CompUSA to buy ergonomic pads for the office keyboard and trackball along with a new Belkin two-port PCI IDE Ultra ATA hard drive controller for the main data server. This new controller will give the massive computer the ability to run eight IDE devices at 133MB/sec. It will replace the existing Promise Fastrac two-port PCI IDE Ultra ATA controller which currently runs four of the six drives on the system at 100MB/sec.
The old controller will be put into another machine with less demanding requirements. This second computer will be installed in the game room on the ground floor of the new residence. It will serve as a gaming and internet browsing workstation. It will also be our emergency system should the main server need to be offline more than one day.
The server's new PCI IDE controller, due to be installed tomorrow, breaks the 137GB size limit inherant in the old card and matches the one found on the motherboard which controls the two primary drives containing the first eight partitions and two ATAPI DVD-ROM units. With the new card in place, the machine will support vast amounts of virtually unlimited disk space, over 130 petabytes per channel.
Also aquired was a new digital telephony system built by Uniden. The system consists of two handsets and a base station that can all function as speakerphones or intercoms. The wireless equipment operates at 5.8GHz and is compatable with the Vonage VoiP provider. Thus, our phone system works perfectly and the old number remains in place until further notice, wherein only the area code will change.
At the current time, Vonage does not yet offer telephone numbers beginning with Tennessee's newest 865 area code. As soon as they do, the office number will reflect the expansion of their local reach into our area. Until then, simply use the number posted at the top of this page to contact us here at Walnut Hill.
Once improvements to the server are completed, we can get back to processing some pictures of the move and the new office and residence. Stay tuned as the story unfolds...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,042 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Houston, We Have A Go!
![Click here to download a x JPG image shoving]()
Last night, Doc worked on the main data server to find the trouble with the random lock-ups and slow booting. It was found to be a fault in the connections on the IDE bus where the drive drawers mate with their cages. During the ride north, these connections were jarred loose as the truck travelled rough roads over long distance.
When these connections were realigned, the server ran flawlessly. Today will be the acid test as the machine is put through her paces. We expect it to pass all tests with flying colors for the fine techs at CoyoteNET Digital Sytsem Solutions would have it no other way, even when dealing with our five year old machine.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 27,005 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Walnut Hill Reaches 27,000 Visitors!
A new milestone has been reached as we celebrate over 27,000 loyal fans in the Land of the King here at Walnut Hill. Since the site went online in April of 2004, there have been 36,855 folks click on our pages. We are averaging over 1,000 hits per month, keeping with a trend that has stayed stable during our time on the internet.
The office space is rapidly shaping up at our new Alcoa location. Since six o'clock this evening the main data server has been stable. This does not mean more troubleshooting can be avoided. This computer needs regular maintanence and the 865-mile trip to Tennessee hastened the need for a routine overhaul.
More Problems With The Server
The main data server was still iffy today as Doc struggled to find out why the random lock-ups were happening. The huge computer ran fine as long as there was user activity. When brought out of sleep, the rig would either not wake up or it would lock up as soon as the Windows desktop appeared.
It would seem from analysis of the crashes that the drawers containing the six hard drives were not getting a good signal due to faulty connections. The drawers suffered much mechanical stresses during the ride north, rendering the key switches that lock each drawer in place to become intermittant. At one point, the Primary Slave containing four partitions stopped working. One of these partitions contains all the data that comprises the local copy of the Walnut Hill website, about 5GB worth of files.
At around 4:15PM, the server seamed to be stable and woke from sleep successfully. However, the machine will need to be dissassembled and thoroughy checked for mechanical damage. Every part must be looked at under high magnification and cleaned prior to reassembly. The process involves over twenty hours of work and is a quarterly scheduled job.
The project, under tentative planning, will be spread out over three days. Dates have not yet been set. Day one will consist of taking everything apart. Day two will see all parts inspected and cleaned. Day three will be spent putting the computer back together and rigorously testing the system to see if all is well. After this task is finished, we can finally get back to work in the Land of the King. The move has put us way behind. Stay tuned as we catch up...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,991 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
 4/54 Allman Symphonic IV screenshot
This was posted at Theatre Organ SoundFonts on Yahoo! Music Groups today by Kent Allman of Allman Music in Saint Petersburg, Florida. We quote him below in blue text.
Hello All,
This post is for anyone using my Symphonic IV SoundFonts or the Symphonic IV jOrgan 4/54 console. I've just made a number of improvments to the sound font including tapering the major ranks tremulets in the lower octaves to more closely emulate the normal tapering off of the trems in the last octave before they hit the non tremmed offest ranks for the pedals. I fixed a number of minor looping issues and rank balances for better terracing between the ranks.
For those of you using the Symphonic IV console, the new disposition (console) has more unification with a new look. The Console now has 355 instument stops, 9 trems, Melody and Sub Melody couplers, 26 Standard Couplers, Toy Counter with Bell Tree, 70+ presets, 3 swell chambers + Crescendo & Sostenuto Pedals, 2nd touch, Voice Modifiers for 14 stops, 99+ level capture action memory system, uses 48 Midi Channels and 6 channels of audio. In summary, the Console now has a total of over 390 tabs and 70+ Pistons to play around with. The updates are located at http://www.allmanmusic.com/jOrgan.html.
Best Regards,
Problems With The Server
Getting online and staying connected proved to be quite a task. The main data server did not like the journey northward and experienced many broken connections during the ride. Doc opened 'er up and fixed all loose wiring only to find random lockups during operation.
Around two in the afternoon after several reboots of all the equipment, the Vonage VoiP system was working and the main data server had settled down with a solid intenet connection from Charter Communications at 5MB/sec. Now to play a long game of catch-up if we can keep the server running...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,900 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Opening The Office
After a full day of unpacking and setting things up, the main computer was finally up and running. Charter Communications arrived in the afternoon to get the cable going but there were snags. It took the rest of the evening and most of the night to get everything straightened out and working poroperly. The Vonage VoiP phone line was still not working, another task for the 'morrow.
Once an internet connection was established, Doc began the long task of updating the site, correcting references to the previous address in Florida. This was to become a work in progress spanning several days of hard work.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,860 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Moving Day
Today, the freight arrived in Knoxville at last. Doc and Esco's friend Teddy secured a Pensky 17-foot truck and off to ABF they went to get Doc's stuff.
 17-foot Penski freight truck
 Empty 23-foot trailer
 Pulling out of ABF Freight
 Parked at Square Jaw Ranch
 New office at Square Jaw Ranch
By the evening, all Doc's stuff was moved and the remainder of the day was spent resting by all.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,820 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Getting Settled In
The freight was still in Atlanta today. Doc spent the day cleaning and preparing the spaces for his things. The attic would serve as his new office and a second bedroom would be for his twin bed brought from Florida.
By the end of the day, the bedroom was ready to move into but the attic needed much more work.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,760 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Sunday At The Ranch
On the Lord's Day, relaxation was enjoyed as we all reconnected with eachother and played darts and dominoes. A storage facility for Walnut Hill Productions was rented.
Later in the evening, we enjoyed some movies on the Square Jaw Ranch's home theatre system. Sylvia treated us to a supper of grilled Whiting, spinach and cheesy maceroni. Life is good...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,720 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Visiting With Old Friends
Today was spent travelling southward to Lenoir City to visit with Al Owrutzky, the founding father and lead guitarist/vocalist of Mojo, a great blues band that the Bone Doctor has worked with for many years.
Al has finished landscaping his place and the yard is beautiful. Much fine homebrewed ale was sipped and many stories of yesterday shared. Plans were made to get some production work done for Mojo in the days ahead.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,680 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The First Day In Tennessee
Saturday was a day for relaxing and catching up. After a full day of flying, Doc was very tired and just needed to unwind from all the excitement of moving.
It was good to be back in the Green Hills of East Tennessee. Things change slowly in Alcoa and most things looked the same as they did over four years ago when Walnut Hill was still just a concept.
The supper of the evening was homemade beef stew. The water in Alcoa can be drank from the tap and it was good to sip mountain water again, for the water in Florida never tasted like this.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,650 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
A Day In The Sky
This was posted on Yahoo!'s Walnut Hill VTPO newsgroup by Associate Editor Tom Hoehn:
On Friday afternoon, I transported the Bone Doctor to Tampa International Airport for his return flight to Knoxville. Since the security scare in London had happened on Thursday, we were taking no chances on having him miss his flight because of the long lines at security checkpoints.
His plane departed Tampa on time at around five in the evening. He arrived at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, Georgea on time. His connecting flight to McGee-Tyson Airport in Knoxville was delayed. He arrived about 75 minutes late
into Knoxville and was treated to Ice Cream by Hank and Sandy Wear after they picked him up at the airport proir to shuttling him off to the Square Jaw Ranch in Alcoa where he will be residing.
 Old rail gate
 Lobby at Gate E
 New monorail gate
 Boarding the plane
 Rolling out of Tampa
 The Take-Off
 Climbing upstairs
 Cruise altitude
 Descending into Atlanta
 Boarding the plane
 Rolling out of Atlanta
 The Take-Off
 Climbing upstairs
 Thunderhead over Atlanta
 Flying through the storm
 Nearing cruise altitude
 Landing at McGee-Tyson
 Gate 5 at McGee-Tyson
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,600 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The Last Day In Clearwater
This was posted on Yahoo!'s Walnut Hill VTPO newsgroup by Associate Editor Tom Hoehn:
On Thursday morning, I went to the Bone Doctor's residence in Clearwater with a 24-foot Ryder truck. In 4 1/2 hours we had loaded it with his computers, organ and instruments. We proceeded to ABF Freight in Tampa and transferred the contents of the Ryder truck into a 6 linear foot space on an ABF 28-foot long pup trailer.
After transferring everything and dropping the Ryder truck back at the yard, the Bone Doctor and I trekked back to the original Florida base of Walnut Hill operations which was at my house. Dinner was had, cigars were smoked (Cuban Romeo y
Juliettas) and a good night's sleep was had by all.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,560 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The Last Day At Turner Street
Today was the last day Doc saw Kimmy as he loaded his things onto the truck. One last time would he rest in his bed in the Walnut Hill Manor office. Tomorrow was moving day and Doc needed rest for the long treck to come.
 24-foot truck
 Clear to dock
 To ready the lift
 Clear to load
 Cargo loaded
 Clear to undock
 Final check
 Prep for departure
 Bulkhead in place
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,530 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,514 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Third Day Of Packing Up
 The Bone Doctor at the console of Ron Carter's Mighty Allen. Picture by Tom Hoen, taken on 07/28/05.
It is amazing how much stuff one can accumulate in four years, even after leaving most of it behind a year ago. Today was spent packing Doc's personal items and the various surplus computer stuff owned by CoyoteNET Digital System Solutions.
Time flies when you're having fun, for it was one short year ago that Doc left Tennessee via a stop in Georgia to play Ron Carter's Mighty Allen GW-IV Digital Theatre Organ, as seen in the picture above courtisy of Tom Hoen.
Tomorrow will be spent packing the server, clothing and other remaining items for the trip on Thursday via U-Haul to a freight company in Tampa. On Friday, Doc will fly out of Tampa International Airport at 5PM for an 8:30PM arrival in Knoxville, Tenessee with one stop for a plane change in Atlanta, Georgia. Doc will be travelling light with a carry-on roll-around suitcase and a digital camera. The freight will arrive the following Monday or Tuesday in Knoxville for a second short U-Hual trip southward to Alcoa.
The internet service in Clearwater will stop on Friday and the power will be stopped on September 4th, one day after Kimmy and Bob head for California via a seven day jouney seeing the sights in a rented 2006 model minivan. Hopefully, Kimmy will document the trip with her digital camera so we can post the pictures in our upcoming History of Walnut Hill Productions page.
Since tomorrow is the last day Doc has to prepare packaged goods for shipment, we will be breaking down the server in the morning. Thus, this entry in the Gazette will be the final one before we reconnect in September. The new number and address has now been posted at the top of this page. The phone number is temporary and belongs to those whom Doc will be staying with.
In closing, Doc says to all the loyal patrons who make our site worth doing, "we shall see you here at the site from the Green Hills of East Tennessee in about three weeks if we don't break our shoelaces or the creek don't rise, Good Lord willin'."
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,420 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Second Day Of Packing Up
Today, Doc packed his clothing and other personal things for the trek to Tennessee. Final checks were made to the server before shutting it down to be packed tomorrow. It was allowed to run for one last night in Clearwater. The small residence on Turner Street was beginning to look like a storage locker full of boxes.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,389 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
First Day Of Packing Up
It is amazing how much stuff two people can accuulate in a year in one place after spending three years before moving, making four years worth of aquired belongings which needed to be separated and packed for shipment. Doc had lots of CD media and books which were boxed. Also, there were a miryad of small things to pack and a warehouse full of stuff to sort. By the end of the day, these things were done, leaving the clothing and computers to pack later.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,332 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
The Move Is Definate
It is final. After a long day of talking and planning, it is definate that Kimmy and Doc will each go their own way on or around the 11th of August, 2006. After four years together, it is time to move on to other places, people and things. Kimmy never got the love for the King of Instruments and Doc could not give it up. A number of other incompatabilities had surfaced during the year they spent in Florida. Both feel this is the best decision for all.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,266 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Prepping The Office For The Move
Much file management and many revisions of online data had to be done today. There were lots of projects stored on the main data server that had to be dubbed over to the workstation, mostly files Kimmy created. Also, the disbursement of assets and belongings had to be carried out so the Kimmy ended up with all her stuff and Doc ended up with all of his. Tension was high most of the day but by nightfall, most of these tasks had been completed.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,229 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Simply put, today was a rough day at the office. After much heated debate, it was clear that things in Florida were coming to an end for Walnut Hill Manor. A year in Florida has made Kimmy homesick for her family in Olivehurst, California. Doc will not be able to do normal business that far from a major metro area, Sacramento being the nearest at over fourty-five miles to the south.
Since Doc's father is in his early eighties, Doc has decided to go back to Tennesee. Also, there was much unfinished business prior to leaving a year ago, and now Doc can pick up where he left off. Stay tuned as the story unfolds...
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,200 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
Bob Loesch, former owner of Theatre Organists on Yahoo! Music Groups, has passed the reigns of ownership to Tom Hoehn.
The Theatre Organists Group has long been a place where those who play or want to learn to play the King of Instruments could hang out and talk shop at any level of expertise and feel welcome. We believe that Tom will keep this tradition alive not only with his vast knowledge and talent but also his skills as a genuine people person. Be sure to visit the group if you are a member and give Tom a warm welcome. If you are not yet a member, we encourage you to join.
Greetings from the Bone Doctor.
I want to thank the 26,153 visitors to our site since January 1st of 2005. God bless all who come here, for you are welcome in the Land of the King!
 The console of the San Bernardino Style 216 2/10 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ sitting in the pit with the horseshoe lid open.
In the west coast town of San Bernardino, California is to be found one of only 12 Style 216 2/10 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organs ever made. Only a few of the original twelve remain.
The Style 216 Mighty WurliTzer was the one Jim Henry chose to use as his specification for the Mighty MidiTzer 216.