Season's Greetings and Welcome to All.
 The Main Data Server at Walnut Hill Marysville Office.
Kimmy and Roo Together Again!
We began the month of December at our new location in the city of Marysville, California.
On December 6th at around 11:30AM Pacific time, the Bone Doctor arrived in Sacramento, California. There to greet him was his dearest Kimmy and her mother. His bags arrived safely as well.
As they travelled northward to the small town of Marysville, Doc discovered that this part of the state is as flat as Clearwater, Florida. The climate is very mild, and he was amazed to see Palm trees growing here and there along the way, thinking there would be only pines and hardwoods in a climate much warmer than he had expected.
Kimmy has made a wonderful little home in downtown Marysville, a community filled with extremely cordial and friendly people. The houses are quite old but well kept. The residences are built close to eachother, and most are of Spanish style.
When more shots of the intrepid couple's tiny abode are taken, we shall update the Studio page to reflect the changes. The house is too small to set up keyboard equipment in, and new machines to replace those which were left in Tennessee must be obtained after we eventually relocate to a larger place sometime in 2008. In the meantime, there is plenty of tasks to keep us busy, such as getting caught up at the site and doing announcements and spots for the WTPO internet radio broadcasts.
Building the Marysville Office
We collected 1,100 dollars toward the relocation and there is a bit over 200 dollars left in the bank. The plane ticket was 175 dollars with a 25 buck fine for one overweight bag which cost $100 from J. C. Penny, on sale for half price, being the only 30-inch flight bag Doc could find.
There was a 450 dollar deficet in Kimmy's household budget that had to be cleared in order for us to keep the residence going. We had to purchase household supplies and restock the pantry, spending around 325 more dollars. All is smooth now and we should fare well in the days ahead.
The main data server was shipped four day freight through Fed-Ex in two boxes, one containing the tower and the other containing the APC UPS. The computer arrived safely on Friday, December the 8th. The battery, although physically undamaged, appears to have sustained electronic damage and will need to be serviced. Since it is a commercial UPS that retails for over 900 dollars, servicing could prove to be quite pricey. Until we can locate a tech to fix the huge thing, we will probably aquire a more modest unit to stand in for the big one while we save up to pay the repair fee.
The Greatest Gift of All
Kimmy and Doc's combined income will be enough to get them by from a houserhold perspective, but there will be no money for bus trips and things related to making music. It is our hope that through various promotional channels and cultivating the friendship of those in the Sacramento area, we can get back into the thick of things, visiting California's wealth of fine instruments to get pictures and information for future features. This will take time, so please be patient with us as we scramble to get things going again.
Kimmy and Doc are both happy and at peace once again, having learned many valuable lessons about love, life and the truth that only a close walk with the Father reveals. They have rekindled their love, and it grows every day. She has found a hobby which could turn into a profession, the persuit of Digital Graphic Arts. She is naturally gifted, and is currently working on several new widgets for the website while promoting her own original artwork around the internet.
That about wraps it up for the latest news. There is more to come as we forge ahead. Again, thanks much for all the support, including funds, prayers, and a great deal of unwavering friendship. This is a highly dedicated group of wonderful fellow TPO enthusiasts, and all are like family to our fledgeling organization.
God bless each and every one. Happy Holidays!
Doc and Tom Hoehn have created a Pay Pal account for easily and securely receiving contributions from all who want to see this relocation take place, which will allow Walnut Hill to make major strides forward for the King of Instruments.
Below is a listing of those who have genorously contributed funds to date:
- Tom Hoehn
- Gareth Howells
- James Reid
- Cyrus Roton
- William Spalding
- Larry Chamberlin
- Kent Allman
- Fred Willis
- Joseph Loewy
- $ 50.00
- $ 50.00
- $200.00
- $500.00
- $ 10.00
- $100.00
- $ 50.00
- $100.00
- $ 50.00
- PayPal
- PayPal
- PayPal
- Check
- PayPal
- Check
- PayPal
- PayPal
- PayPal
Funds received to date: $1,200.00
There are other pledges pending. Anyone can contribute as much or as little as they see fit by clicking the "Make a Donation" button above. You can also send checks via standard mail to the following address, should you choose to not use the Pay Pal account. Please make checks payable to Richard Mogridge, with the words "Relocation Fund" in the memo line. The address is:
Richard Mogridge Walnut Hill Productions 616 14th Street Marysville, California 95901-4110
If you have questions about the relocation fund, you can call the Bone Doctor at the Walnut Hill Office of Operations to learn more.
That telephone number is 1-727-230-2610.
All contributors will get recognized at the site should they choose, or they can remain anonymous, simply by letting the Bone Doctor know their preferences via email.
This is a major move forward for Walnut Hill Productions, one of the fastest growing TPO sites on the internet. Become a part of history by making your donation today. Please help us to continue the work we are doing as we continue to grow, adding new features and more services such as broadcasting audio and video for all to enjoy. You'll be glad you did.
We are thanking you in advance for your generosity and support in this grand endevour.
God bless, and happy playing.
The Bone Doctor Member ATOS/President WHOC House Organist and Webmaster Walnut Hill Productions
"It's all about the King of Instruments!"