As those who visit the site regulary know by now, Fred Willis, our Founding Father, is also on the team that reviews and helps develop some of our graphics.
Fred is not new to graphics programs such as Adobe Photoshop and a host of other top titles. Having three very powerful computers allows him to create stunning artwork. Below are two samples of Fred's handywork with his virtual paint brushes.
 Organ in the Mountains Featuring the Detroit Senate 4/34 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ. Art by Fred Willis, TOSF Member.
This is the second artwork Fred sent in. Using the same prop layers as before in his first wallpaper, he cleaned up the picture and did some tighter edits around the pipes.
When we got the file, we first opened it up in MGI Photo Suite and did some minor cloning around the pipechests to make them look more inside and among the surrounding tree branches. We then sent it to Adobe Image Ready for optimization and thumbnailing.
 Mountains Waterfalls Trees and Pipes Featuring the Detroit Senate 4/34 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ. Art by Fred Willis, TOSF Member.
This is the first artwork Fred sent in. It is a team effort between him and the Bone Doctor, being that it is an edit of the original file.
Fred sent us a very large TIF file that was produced in Adobe Photoshop from several layers taken from images of the console, pipes, and the breathtaking background of mountains and trees. This file was five times larger than a typical wallpaper both in terms of screen size and byte count. But it was perfect source material for further editing.
When we got the file, it was opened in Adobe Image ready and reduced in size, then saved under a different name. This new file was opened in Jasc Photo Paint and a border was added. Finally, the file went to Adobe Image Ready for optimization and thumbnailing.
Stay tuned for more great pictures from this highly talented artist for there is much more to come!