Tom Hoehn's Current Endevours
Tom holds membership in 5 different chapters of the American Theare Organ Society: Central Florida, Manasota, Orlando Area, Central Indiana and Hilo Bay.
He makes his living working for End User Support at the IBM Help Desk Services located in Tampa, Florida. Here, he works the overnight shift as lead technical representative, offering telephone technical support to over 40,000 accountants around the world.
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the majestic 4/93 Rodgers/Rufatti/Wicks Church Pipe Organ.
Tom is also the organist at First United Methodist Church in Clearwater, Florida, where he plays for three services every Sunday and accompanies two vocal choirs on the magnificent 4/93 Rodgers/Ruffatti/Wicks Church Pipe Organ installed there. He also rings bells in the handbell choir at the church.
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the 4/42 Mighty WurliTzer Theatre Pipe Organ installed at Roaring 20's Pizza & Pipes in Ellenton, Florida.
He gets to play three wonderful WurliTzers: the J. Tyson Forker Memorial 4/32 WurliTzer at Grace Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida, and another, Black Beauty, the 4/42 Mighty WurliTzer at Roaring 20's Pizza & Pipes in Ellenton, Florida, and the Tampa Theatre 2/14 Mighty WurliTzer.
He also holds the office of Vice President in the Walnut Hill Organ Club, and works with the Bone Doctor at Walnut Hill Productions as an engineer, artist and website editor.
He has a beautiful vintage 1978 walnut finished Conn Matinique Electronic Theatre Organ in his home that has three external speaker cabinets and a rank of electronic pipes. He has recently begun construction of his very own Mighty MidiTzer as well, with the help of Papa Bill, a founding father of WHOC.
 Tom Hoehn at the Mighty J. Tyson Forker Memorial WurliTzer 4/32 Theatre Pipe Organ at Grace Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida.
In June of 2005, Walnut Hill Productions released a CD of this fine artist playing the J. Tyson Forker Memorial 4/32 WurliTzer entitled Sounds Of Grace. Tom is a great musician with a unique style that is fresh and very human. His pedal technique is amazing indeed, and he makes fine use of the extensive toy counter on this majestic instrument, one of the finest WurliTzers in the world. He stands to go far in the Theatre Pipe Organ world!
 Tom Hoehn in session at the J. Tyson Forker Memorial 4/32 Mighty WurliTzer
Find out more about him by visiting The Tom Hoehn Website. There, you will find pictures, information, songs and links from this very gifted TPO player.
Read on to listen to Tom Hoehn's Music Downloads