Woodlands in Shell Point, Florida
On September 30th of 2005, Tom performed at the Woodlands in Shell Point on the Mighty Allen MDS317EX Digital Theatre Organ installed there. There were two concerts, one in the afternoon and another in the evening. The Walnut Hill Mobile Recording Team was there to capture the event for you to enjoy.
Afternoon Concert
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the Mighty Allen MDS317EX Digital Theatre Organ installed at the Woodlands in Shell Point, Florida.
Below are selections from the first of two concerts where we get to hear Tom playing the Mighty Allen MDS317EX Digital Theatre Organ installed at the Woodlands in Shell Point, Florida. During this show, the Allen reverb was active.
- Gershwin Medley
Playing time = 12:51, file size = 11.80MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Crazy
Playing time = 5:42, file size = 5.27MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- When I'm Sixty-Four
Playing time = 3:34, file size = 3.31MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 1
Playing time = 16:10, file size = 14.9MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 2
Playing time = 12:58, file size = 11.90MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 3
Playing time = 12:00, file size = 11.00MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
Evening Concert
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the Mighty Allen MDS317EX Digital Theatre Organ installed at the Woodlands in Shell Point, Florida.
Below are selections from the second of two concerts where we get to hear Tom playing the Mighty Allen MDS317EX Digital Theatre Organ installed at the Woodlands in Shell Point, Florida. During this show, the Allen reverb was inactive.
- Seventy-Six Trombones
Playing time = 4:17, file size = 3.97MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Thene From Ice Castles
Playing time = 6:47, file size = 6.27MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Finian's Rainbow Medley
Playing time = 11:45, file size = 10.80MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 1
Playing time = 10:06, file size = 9.32MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 2
Playing time = 13:45, file size = 12.60MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 3
Playing time = 10:14, file size = 9.44MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley 4
Playing time = 14:20, file size = 13.20MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Roller Coaster
Playing time = 2:30, file size = 2.32MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.