Bob Markworth Residence Omaha Nebraska
 Tom Hoehn posing at the console of the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ.
On Devember 4th, 2005, Tom Hoehn gave a concert at the console of the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ installed at Bob Markworth's residence in Omaha Nebraska. The show was recorded on a digital video camera by his dearest wife, Katie.
 Tom Hoehn warming up befor the show at the console of the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ.
When Tom returned to sunny Florida, he brought the camera to the Walnut Hill Recording Studio where we extracted the audio from the tape and fed this to our main data server for editing.
The camera was equipped with an automatic gain control circuit which caused its onboard microphone to clip the signal. Thus, we had to perform major surgery on the signal to get a satisfactory result, which we were still not happy with because the editing process induced quite a bit of artifacting.
 Tom Hoehn at the console of the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ.
Once the signal was on the server, we opened it in SoundForge6 and did the following edits to each track:
- Normalize the volume to -3dB on a per channel basis.
- Run Sonic Foundry Clipped Peak Restoration to smooth clipping caused by the AGC on the camera microphone.
- Run Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction 2.0 to get rid of line hiss.
- Run Waves Q10 Paragraphic EQ to get rid of 60Hz line hum.
- Run Sonic Foundry Paragraphic EQ to get rid of low and inaudible frequencies below 20Hz.
- Run Waves C4 Compander to uncompress the signal due to AGC.
- Run Waves MaxxBass to enhance the volume of the bass stops, bringing them up to a more realistic level.
- Run Waves C4 Compander to flatten the frequency response to compensate for the treble bias of the camera microphone.
- Run Waves S1 Stereo Imager to correct channel phase and the left to right stereo spread.
- Run Waves L3 Multi Maximizer to increase the loudness of the wave to make it broadcast ready.
- Run Sonic Foundry Normalize to bring the peaks to within -0.3dB on a per channel basis.
- Fade in the heads and fade out the tails of each track.
- Add two seconds of silence to the beginning of each track for CD complience.
 Tom Hoehn being well recieved by his audience as he plays the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ.
On the tracks with talking, we did the following additional edits during the speech parts:
- Run Sonic Foundry Track Compressor to level out the speech and bring up the volume to -6dB.
- Cut out pauses and othe noises that distracted from the speech as best we could.
- Use the pencil tool to join the cuts so there would be no pops.
- Run Sonic Foundry Click and Crackle Remover to get rid of some nasty DC spikes we found here and there.
- Run Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction in deep mode to clean up line noise and hum.
- Run BBE Sonic Maximizer to add definition to the speech so that it was more understandable.
Through no fault of the camera operator, rather, the limitations of the equipment, we ended up with what you are about to hear below. There is an aggravating rumble in the tracks in some places where the AGC caused the on-camera microphone to pick up the thumping of the tremulants. Since the organ was in a relatively small room, this noise could not be eliminated by any means at our disposal.
 Tom Hoehn doing a bit of "shameless self promotion" after the show.
If you download and play back all the tracks in the order they are in on the list below, you will hear the entire show the way Tom performed it.
- That's Entertainment!
Playing time = 5:10, file size = 4.78MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Rise and Shine
Playing time = 2:36, file size = 2.43MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Toyland
Playing time = 8:09, file size = 7.53MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Sleigh Ride
Playing time = 2:55, file size = 2.71MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Finian's Rainbow
Playing time = 11:56, file size = 11.00MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- The Christmas Song
Playing time = 5:18, file size = 4.90MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Sing-Along
Playing time = 6:12, file size = 5.73MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Jingle Bells
- Silver Bells
- Deck The Halls
- Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Silent Night
- Joy To The World
- Theme from The Apartment
Playing time = 5:02, file size = 6.97MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Blessed Assurance
Playing time = 8:01, file size = 7.40MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Colonel Bogie March
Playing time = 4:28, file size = 4.14MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Request Medley
Playing time = 10:02, file size = 9.27MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
- Alley Cat
- Cheek to Cheek
- Pink Panther
- Seventy-Six Trombones
Playing time = 6:43, file size = 6.20MB, bit rate = 128KB/sec.
 Tom Hoehn demonstrating the 3/24 Mighty Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ to a young friend.
Read on to learn about Tom Hoehn's new CD entitled Sounds of Grace